Chapter 39

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Humming gently to myself, I twirl a strand of hair around my finger, leaning into my couch with a soft smile as I snuggle under a blanket. The aura around my home is filled with excitement as my future sister - in - law, Fuyumi, is looking through baby pictures of Hiro with Rumi (who must be her girlfriend) while my mother - in - law, Rei, is giving my wedding dress final touches and making sure it's perfect. Every single one of us waiting for our food to arrive, our stomachs hungrily awaiting for its food.

With the boys over at the Todoroki estate doing who knows what, it left the girls to relax and just enjoy the rest of the evening. With Rei busying herself with making the final touches for the wedding, calling up the florist about our flower arrangements to make sure everything's okay, calling up the our cake designer and cake maker to make sure it'll be there at the appropriate time, calling the venue to arrange what time we'll be arriving, calling the caterers about the food and making sure everything isn't going terrible. If anything, she's a godsend, she's making sure that I'm not stressed for the big day which is amazing.

From time to time, the older Todoroki woman would be on the phone to her husband, making sure he's pulling his weight with everything he needs to sort out. Rei ended up making Enji sort out the chair arrangements, the tabling and who sits next to who, the rings, the after party and making sure that Toya doesn't combust into flames before our wedding day.

Unfortunately, it's against Todoroki tradition to see your future husband/wife from two days before your wedding until the actual wedding day. It's ridiculous, yes, but Rei would have my ass if I broke some stupid tradition.

So here I was, stuck at home without my fiance, stuck with my mother - in - law and sister - in - law with one of my bridesmaids. My eyes raking over my wedding dress, my stomach fluttering gently as I imagine myself in it. Excitement and impatience swirling in my veins. The dress was hanging on the back of the living room door, my heart squeezing with joy as I look toward it, watching as Rei begins to steam it gently, making sure that there are no folds nor are there any plucks in the fabric.

With the wedding rearing its head around the corner, Rei had gone into full momzilla mode. Hiro was only allowed to be dropped off by Enji or Natsuo or Shoto if he wanted to see me. Toya wasn't allowed to step foot into the home unless he wanted to 'bring bad luck to the marriage' in Rei's words by not following tradition. I don't think I've ever seen her be this scary in all my life.

Before Rei could begin fussing over the veil, the door goes making her grumble under her breath and walk toward the door. The woman opening it up to greet the delivery driver on the other side of the door, taking the takeout and paying before walking back in. Greedily, I slide my hand into the bag, only for it to be slapped away making me pout.

"No eating near the dress! Go to the dining room," Rei orders, pointing toward the dining room making me groan and trod to the table with Fuyumi and Rumi close behind, the two girls giggling toward me as I slump into my chair and grab placemats, "I don't want you ruining your dress before you even get into it, (Y/n), tomorrows going to be such a special day, do you really want curry sauce on your dress?"

"No, ma," I hum, grabbing the boxes from the bag and pulling the lids off, my stomach hungrily whining for the food as I greedily begin piling my plate up happily, "Thank you,"

"Have you got everything?" Rumi asks as she looks toward me, digging into her sushi with a smile, giggling as I try to catch the curry sauce dribbling down my chin, "Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue? Have you got them?"

"My something old is my wedding dress," I begin, smiling gently toward Rumi who listens intently as I dig into my food, "Something new is my tiara and my something blue is the necklace Rei gave me at my bridal shower,"

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