Chapter 48

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"So Jellybean isn't a good name for them?"

Biting back a giggle, I look toward my youngest brother - in - law as we make our way back to my home. Bright smiles play on our lips as we walk down the sidewalk side by side while Shoto rambles on and on and on about everything. The male's eyes were sparkling with happiness as he lists the ridiculous names that he had thought of for the baby on our way down the street.

Today had been especially taxing. The student had a lot of training to do today and I, being pregnant, had to sit on the sidelines away from the action so my baby doesn't get hurt. Which then ended up with me being stuck with my father who was trying his very hardest to get back into my good books. He was getting me drinks. Getting me food. Making sure I was comfortable.

Trying to convince me that he is a good father despite the things he's pulled.

Despite Toya usually taking me home, Shoto had offered to walk me home. He had missed our daily walks after school so Toya had let him for today (I think Shoto may have bribed him with a prank on Enji or something to finalise the deal). Although, however much I love my walks with Shoto, my feet and back were killing me ever so slowly. With my baby bump growing nearly every day, getting bigger as the months go by and I'm getting closer to my due date, my back had been aching with all the new weight I have to carry.

Being the excited uncle, Shoto had formulated some names that were way too ridiculous to name a baby. He had Shoto Junior (one of his favourites because it's named after him) even if it were a girl. There was Potato (which I instantly shutdown in a fit of giggles). He then said maybe Toya Junior (but he didn't really like that). Then he told me Hiro had made up Hiro Junior or Tia (which I found adorable).

And now we were on Jellybean.

The context behind the name Jellybean is that the baby looks like a jellybean in the sonogram picture that we have taped to the fridge. Not only that but it's tiny and the foetus is shaped like one which makes me laugh. Shoto is adorable and dense when it comes to the topic of pregnancies and babies.

"Jellybean?" I ask, arching a brow as I rub my baby bump, watching as Shoto beams with pride at how amazing the name he came up with is. I'm pretty sure it took him all day to come up with it too, "Really?"

"Yeah! It works for a boy or a girl," Shoto points out innocently before smiling as I giggle gently to myself, "Or maybe... maybe you could name them..."

"Sho, I'm loving your enthusiasm, I really am," I begin, grabbing my front door keys as we walk down my driveway toward my home to open up my front door, "All these names are so unbelievably amazing so why don't you make a list and Toya and I will consider them, yeah?"

"Oh, I already did," Shoto explains, watching as I unlock the front door and walk in, setting my bags down as he plays with his tie, "Toya burned the list and told me Jellybean was an awful name,"

Why was I not surprised?

Despite Toya trying to be the 'number one big brother', he still likes to cause a bit of chaos within the household. It's Toya. What did I expect? It's not like he's going to be tame, for Christ's sake. He was unhinged when I re - met him for the first time. Of course he's going to tease and mock and bully Shoto. That's what he was like when he was younger.

I just hope Hiro doesn't follow suit and decide to think it's okay to burn other people's things and take the piss out of someone. Not that it would happen anyway...

Hiro's a literal angel...

Toya just enjoyed causing havoc when he could. I would sometimes get phone calls from Enji saying that Toya had decided to do a fake cake prank (where the cake is actually balloon and you get a face full of icing) or Toya had swapped the salt and the sugar. Like he was my responsibility when Enji made him.

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