Chapter 3

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Being the assisting teacher to Class 1A is a job and a half. That's putting it lightly! If I were to be brutally honest, I could say that it's like riding on a bicycle with no wheels through hell while screaming.

Don't ask how I know how that feels. I don't want to answer.

Everyday, without fail, I don't know what the kid does, but Midoriya manages to piss Bakugo off. It's like whatever that green haired boy does, somehow the blonde has a problem with it! It then leads to Bakugo shouting and threatening the kid like a toddler having a tantrum. Hiro has better tantrums than him! My son is four! My son has more class in his little pinkie than Bakugo's whole body at fifteen years old, I mean, damn.

Then, we have Mineta. Minoru Mineta, the bane of my existence! Due to his incredibly short height, he has the ability to look up girls skirts, which annoys me to high heaven! He's also tried his luck by sneaking into the girls locker room or trying to find holes in the shared wall to find what the girls look like without clothing in their underwear. I've had to lift that kid so many times with my quirk, it's unbelievable.

Then you have the odd spat between the girls. Like Momo having a meltdown over a broken nail. Jiro and Mina fighting over what the better music style is. Then, you have the odd fight between the boys. You have the cliche, Midoriya vs Bakugo. You also have Todoroki and Bakugo at loggerheads from time to time. Well, there's really just Bakugo vs Everyone. It seems like everyone has a trait that just pisses the blonde off.

Then again, they're hormonal teenagers. Need I say more.

However, putting all the fights and teenage angst aside, they're a great bunch of kids. When you look really closely, they're amazing. Watching them grow, watching them produce stronger and better quirks is something that I've cherished since I started working here... They're all destined to become amazing heroes, if not, great role models. Hiro, from the minute he wandered into the classroom, saw a room full of big brothers and sisters, looking up to each and every one of them, however he mainly clings to Shoto. Even during training, Hiro sits on the sidelines, away from all the attacks so he doesn't get hurt, cheering everyone on.

A couple of weeks ago, the whole class was attacks by the League of Villains, their goal to bring down All Might. Aizawa returned to school, bandaged all over, looking like an Egyptian mummy, the next day. Young Midoriya had broken multiple bones due to inheriting my fathers quirk, my father, pushing himself past his limit, made it harder for himself to maintain his heroic body. I could have lost him... he was critically injured, his scar from a battle with All For One getting irritated.

He could have died...

Unfortunately, I wasn't there to help anyone, to protect Shoto, or my dad, or Aizawa or any of the students. Hiro fell sick, sneezing quite a lot, his button nose all stuffy, so I had to call in, letting them know that I was unable to come in. Hiro taking priority over my work, which was always the case with me. So, when I got the call from Shoto, telling me that I had to come pick him up from the USJ, due to a villain attack, my heart stopped, making sure everyone was okay from the comfort of my home. Feeling helpless. Useless. Luckily, they were mostly unharmed.

Currently, I stood by my father, Hiro on my hip, smiling softly as the UA Sports Festival begins. A battle between all students in the first year from classes A all the way down to K being their time to show off their quirk, prove to scouts that they are the ones they should pick to work under them, proving to Pro Heroes that they should be picked for their internships, because they are hungry for it.

Hiro, excited, watches the students on the screen, jumping up and down in All Mights lap, clapping his hands as he cheers on for Shoto. His turquoise orbs twinkling in awe, watching his uncle try and beat his competition, his red hair bouncing in air as he giggles. The whole atmosphere was just amazing. Feeling a lot different than it had when I was down there, showing off my quirk and my extra abilities.

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