Chapter 8

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Releasing a small groan, I slowly begin to wake up, my eyes fluttering open, expecting to be in a hospital or back at home in my bedroom. I wasn't. The small clatter of chains made that clear. Looking down, I see my wrists confined to shackles, the chains were messily yet securely wrapped around a hook in the wall. Quirk cancelling. No way out. My heart in my throat as I take in my surroundings, it was a somewhat normal bedroom. A dresser by the wall, a wardrobe in the corner, a bed in the middle, two bedside tables. The window was barred shut.

Where was I?...

Wincing softly, I sit up, rubbing my forehead as I look down at my leg. Surprisingly, it was bandaged. Rather tightly too. Blood seeping into it. It stung. The room was dark save for a couple rays of sunlight trying to push through the window. My eyes focusing on the door, leaning into the headboard of the bed. A headache pushes itself across my brain, making me whine softly. Whatever happened at the campsite didn't obviously turn out positive for the heroes?...

The door handle jiggles a bit, catching my attention, I sit up. Leaning toward the door as it opens before shutting rather quickly, a small chuckle leaving the males lips. In his hands, looking rather delicious, was a plate of my favourite food. He sets it down on the bedside table, in front of a glass of water, before sitting beside me, running his fingers through my hair to get it out of my face.

It was the male with the bright turquoise eyes. The male that had a hold of Hiro when I blacked out. Jerking away from his hand, I look away and try to make heads or tails of the situations I'm positioned with. It's not ideal. Kidnapped and chained with a sustainable injury and a child who's nowhere to be seen.

"Where's my son?" I ask, close to tears, thinking about how scared he'd be. He's so used to his routine of waking up to see his mother and uncle Shoto. I can't even begin think what he'd be like seeing... well, this scarred man. He'd terrify the boy, "What did you do to him?"

"He's fine, he's playing with Twice," he explains, grabbing a fork, piercing some food with it, "He's happy, he's been asking about you and I've told him that you're not very well,"

"What do you want from me?" I breathe out, moving my head away from the food he was trying to feed me. What if it's poisonous? What if he's trying to drug me and force information from me? What even is his motive? No captor willingly feeds their victims, "Why are we here? He's only four, why would you kidnap him too?"

"You're here so I can keep you safe," He replies, cursing under his breath as I refuse to eat, "I don't need a reason to have you both here. Now eat,"

"No!" I yell, shaking my head away from the fork, "I'm not hungry!"

"Well, if you won't eat," he begins, "Then I guess you and Hiro won't be seeing each other for a while..."

Sighing in defeat, I yank the fork from his grip, eating the food. He chuckles softly, shaking his head before turning his attention to my leg, softly unwrapping the bandage, propping it up on his thighs as he looks over the scars, casting an eye to me to make sure I'm eating.

Arching a brow, I watch as he begins wrapping clean bandages around my leg, tying it off mid-thigh before pulling away. Nodding to himself, happy with the way the bandage was, before sitting himself back by my side, his thumb rubbing the corner of my lips to rid them of crumbs. His turquoise eyes looking at me, his villain demeanour slowly dropping as he shows a genuine smile.

Looking his way, I hand him the plate silently, meekly thanking him for dressing my wound and feeding me. He nods softly before standing up, turning his back to me, walking toward the door before stopping as his hand touches the handle. Casting those familiar eyes toward me, it almost seemed like he was stopping himself from doing something, before shaking his head and opens the door. Catching a small glimpse of Hiro smiling softly, holding his action figures while chomping on some chicken nuggets before he shuts the door, leaving me in darkness.

Sighing softly, I lean my head against the wall, holding back the tears threatening to fall. My life just seemed to get worse and worse. First, I lose Toya. Next, my child grows up fatherless. Third, Endeavor threatened to take Hiro away from me. Fourth, I had that really dodgy note which made the think that someone was out to get me. Finally, I've been kidnapped by villains. It just keeps getting better and better. Hiro was surrounded by people he didn't even know.

The door opens again, a small body running in with the same guy following behind him. Turning the light on as Hiro releases a small giggle, climbing onto the bed, jumping onto my lap. The shackles are taken off me, the quirk cancelling cuffs still on my wrists as I tightly hold Hiro to my chest, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as he snuggles.

Immediately, relief washes over me while I take a good look over him. No cuts or scratches. He's unharmed. His little eyes are shining with excitement as I kiss his nose and send him a gentle smile.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, running my hands over his little arms to make sure they're so bumps or bruises I may have missed while he giggles at the contact, "Are you hurt?"

"Mama, I'm okay!" He squeals giggling softly, kissing my cheek, "Me and Mr. Twice were playing! He's really fun!"

"Who's Mr. Twice?" I ask softly, rubbing his back and holding him close as he giggles, "Tell mama who he is,"

"He's fun! He says one thing and then changes it quickly! He's funny!" Hiro squeals, clapping his hands while I try to stop the fear gripping my throat. What kind of place is this? He's in the care of a villain with some sort of identity crisis, "We play all sorts of games!"

"Hiro, he's —"

"Come on Hiro, out you go," My captor hums, opening the door and cutting me off. Forcing a glare his way, I watch as he guides Hiro out of the room and ruffles his hair , "Your mom and I need to talk,"

Nodding softly, Hiro kisses my cheek before sliding off the bed, high fiving the male with a laugh before teetering out of the room, squealing as Twice scoops him up, ready for another game. The male I'm left with shuts the door, leaning against the door staring at me. His bright blue eyes staring at me with a smirk.

"I promise you, your son is safe," he says nodding my way, sensing the immediate discomfort, "He's been fed, he's got clean clothes,"

"Why is he so comfortable around you all?" I ask glaring at him, my hands itching to pull each staple off of this man's skin one by one until he's screaming for mercy, "What have you drugged him with? What have you done to my child?"

"He's a four year old, say the right thing and he'll be happy," he replies shrugging, a sick smirk on his lips as he winks my way, "And I may have bribed him with ice cream. He's a pretty easy kid to please,"

"Who are you?" I call out, looking at him as he scoffs at my question, "Answer me,"

"You can call me Dabi for now,"...

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