Chapter 5

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Sending Shoto a small smile, we follow Endeavor through the streets of Hosu City, the lamps softly lighting up the sidewalk as well as Endeavor's flames acting as a torch. The streets were relatively quiet, save for the odd car driving past. Hosu City is one of the most crime ridden parts of Japan, Endeavor, wanting to show his son what it was like to truly be a hero, dragged both him and I here, a determined grin plastered across his face. Knowing exactly how Endeavor works, I knew he brought Shoto here for a reason.

Hero Killer Stain was around these parts. Recently maiming the legs of a known hero. Due to being his main sidekick, I often went out on patrol with him, leaving Hiro in the care of Fuyumi, today, however, he was with my father, All Might.

Class 1A all had internships this week. Shoto, surprisingly, chose to work under his father.

Suddenly, sirens began blaring, cutting us out of our thoughts, another hero, one of the lower ranks, rushes up to Endeavor, explaining the situation. Within a matter of seconds, we were running through the streets, desperately trying to get to the aid of others. However, Shoto stopped, looking at his phone before darting the other way, yelling back how Midoriya sent him his location.

"Shoto!" I yell extending my hand toward him to grab his wrist before cursing under my breath as he avoids my hand and rushes off in the opposite direction. Immediately, I turni back to Endeavor, "Don't just stand there!"

"Go after him," he says, pointing toward the direction his son ran in. Determination floods his eyes as he looks toward the direction of where the police were heading, "And don't do anything stupid,"

Rolling my eyes, I turn my back toward him and run after Shoto. While I run, I grab my mesh blindfold from the pocket of my costume, wrapping it around my eyes. The blindfold isn't a normal one. It was made of a mesh like material. People, my opponents, couldn't see through them, which meant they couldn't watch where my eyes were looking due to my quirk only working if I can see it in my peripheral vision. However, I can look out of it, which is always an advantage to me.

Coming down to a stop, I halt in-front of an alleyway, gasping at the sight of Iida on the floor, blood seeping through his hero suit. Slowly, I step in, my hair slowly lifting from its downward position, going against the laws of gravity as I activate my quirk, holding small balls of energy in my hand, eyeing the villain who Shoto was attacking. Laying up against the wall is another hero, obviously one who this villain was about to murder. Izuku, also with blood seeping through his hero suit, is propped up against the wall watching. Shoto is throwing both fire and ice his way, the villain quickly dodging both attacks, close to cutting his arm.

"Shoto!" I yell chucking a ball of energy at the villain as I slide into the alleyway, "Duck!"

The light blue ball flies through the air at the speed of sound, slamming into the villain, a loud groan coming from his lips as he is forced away from the students. My breath begins to pick up. Upon close examination, I gasp, staring at the Hero Killer Stain. Slowly, I pull Shoto behind me, staring at the Hero Killer as he climbs to his feet. Glaring my way, he chucks knives my way, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Shoving my hand out, I stop them midair, a blue aura surrounding them as I let them go again, watching them clatter to the floor.

"Ah, if it isn't Blue Light," he hums smirking as he slowly traipses my way, a cackle echoing through the air, "Tell me, how's the little boy of yours?"

"How did you..." I begin trailing off eyes widening at the mention of Hiro, my hand slowly falling to my side, letting my guard down, "H —"


Suddenly, a blinding pain shoots through my legs, chasing a scream from my lips as three knives dig into my leg. Shoto gasp: as I collapse to the floor, wincing, his arms wrap around my body, trying to keep me upright. Slowly, he sits me on the floor, turning toward the Hero Killer while Midoriya and Iida climb to their feet. The three of them ready to attack him.

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