Chapter 28

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Unknown's expression contorted as she barely managed to suppress a scream, the explosion detonating mere centimeters from her ear, white-hot agony instantly tearing through her arm as she wrenched herself from his grasp. She had no time to process the blistering pain as she quickly spun on her heel and took off in a sprint.


It took her a few seconds of panic to realize she had no idea where she was going, but it didn't matter- she just had to lose him. Her heartbeat was erratic, her breathing already labored from her earlier failed escape, and the adrenaline made it impossible to do anything but race forward as fast as her feet could carry her. She grit her teeth as explosion after explosion went off behind her, barely loud enough to cover the furious shouts that filled the air. A flash of light shot past her as she recoiled sharply. Her eyes were still darting in search of the light by the time it cut through an enormous tree diagonally ahead of her. Alarms rang wildly in her head as she jerked back just in time to avoid being crushed by the massive trunk, the guttural thud shaking the earth as it collapsed.

Another explosion went off behind her, leaving her no time to think before she instinctively ducked. A glowing fist struck the air an inch above her head as she bolted off to the side, once again sprinting as if her life depended on it.

"Fuckin' stop!"


It wasn't long before her legs began straining and her lungs began to burn, the frigid air scorching her chest with each frantic gasp. Dread weighed like a boulder in her stomach as her mind raced for any way out. More explosions detonated behind her as they quickly grew closer, and Unknown leapt aside just in time to avoid a fist that nearly sent her flying. She landed in a crouch a few feet away, one hand with a vice grip on the suitcase while the other clutched at her chest, desperately trying to ease her ragged breath. The burn marks around her wrist were bright red, already showing signs of blistering and peeling skin, but she could hardly feel it over the rapidly growing strain in every part of her body. She panted heavily, brows drawn as she stared down her opponent looming not ten feet away, practically seething with rage.

"Why the fuck are you here?!" Bakugo demanded, his face twisted in a furious sneer as he charged at her once again, flashes bursting from both palms. She hurriedly leapt back, landing gracelessly as she nearly stumbled over her own feet.

"Wait!" she hissed, backing away yet again as he swung at her, "Stop! You can't be here! You have to leave!"

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"No, just-! Listen to me!" She narrowly dodged another blinding explosion, close enough for the heat to sear her skin, "You don't understand- you have to go! They'll hear you!"

"Keep your fucking mouth shut!" he shouted, lip pulled back in a deadly snarl. His pupils were mere pinpricks as he swung at her, a bright blast shooting out from his palm and narrowly missing as she once again leapt out of the way. He wasted no time in launching another one, then another, then another, forcing her further and further back with each lunge. Unknown could feel the panic begin to overtake her mind, a hundred incoherent thoughts racing all at once, muddling into a distorted mass of nonsense. She felt herself slowing down, her movements getting sloppier by the second.

She knew she couldn't keep this up much longer.

"Just listen!" she shouted between heavy breaths, hoping beyond hope he would snap out of his blind rage, even for just a moment, "I know you don't trust me, but you have to-!"

"Why the hell would I trust you?!" he snapped, his furious scowl growing even deeper, if it was possible, "Damn scum! You don't even fucking know what you've done, huh?! You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself!"

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