Chapter 10

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Thanks in large part to Bakugo, who was a very cooperative crutch, Naoko was able to make it to Recovery Girl's office for treatment not long after the teachers arrived on the scene.

"Looks like you have some fractures and cracks in your ribs," the little old lady observed, examining the heavy bruising around her stomach. She planted a kiss on her forehead and handed her a wrapped candy before shuffling back over to the crowded desk. "Make sure to get plenty of rest; you should be just fine by tomorrow."

"Thank you, Recovery Girl," Naoko smiled gratefully, re-tying her hospital gown. She turned to face the other side of the bed, "You can come out now."

Bakugo emerged from behind the white curtain with a small frown. He moved to sit in the chair next to where she lay, elbows resting on his knees. She noticed he wouldn't meet her gaze.

"Are you ok?" She tilted her head worriedly.

"...I feel like shit," he grunted, hands tightening around each other. "I couldn't do anything."

"It's not your fault, Bakugo. They were strong- there's nothing we could have done."

"I should have done something! I'm supposed to be a hero! What kind of hero can't even beat a damn villain?!" he spat angrily, brows creasing in frustration.

She smiled softly as she carefully pushed herself into a sitting position. "Every hero has to start somewhere," she reasoned gently, shifting towards him, "skill doesn't come out of nowhere, right? They had time and experience over us- it doesn't mean you can't be a good hero, Bakugo. You're just starting out, so think of it as a learning experience!" she smiled encouragingly.

He frowned and turned away, eyes still downcast. "You sure are cheerful for someone who just got her ass kicked."

"I'm just starting out too!"

"You're dumb."

"I know you don't mean that!"

"Actually, I do," he scoffed, though the curl of his lips told her otherwise.

"That's so cute!" The curtain next to them snapped open to reveal Uraraka beaming widely, an excited grin on her face.

"Oh, you're still here?" Bakugo glanced over at her with a scowl.

"How are you feeling, Uraraka?" Naoko smiled, lightly smacking his knee in disapproval.

"I'm fine! Recovery Girl said it was just a fracture. I think I got off pretty light thanks to the teachers!"

"Yea, we're lucky they came when they did, huh?"

"Excuse us!" a voice from behind them called. The three turned to see Iida standing stiffly in the doorway, the rest of the class crowded behind him. "We're here to check up on you two!" he declared, swinging his arm with each word.

"H-hi..." Naoko smiled awkwardly as the 18 students somehow managed to squeeze into the room. "We're just fine- thanks, Iida."

"Oh, Sero, Koda, Todoroki! You're all here?" Uraraka exclaimed, spotting the three who had been missing since the beginning of the day, "Are you ok? What happened?"

"Yea! I was talking to Mic about that test we're having next week when the villains came, so I got captured with him by accident!" Sero laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"I was running late. By the time I arrived, the entrance had already been locked," Todoroki explained, Koda nodding along behind him.

"Oh, right! What happened to the teachers anyway? Did the villains attack them first?" Midoriya asked, looking to his classmates behind him.

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