Chapter 45

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Above the western shore, a point of light flashed against the early sky. A plane sailed quietly.


The hospital lights were bright and prodding, offering no reprieve from the weariness buzzing numbly in the minds of those below.

It was morning now.

Following the events of that previous night, Unknown was rushed to the hospital for immediate treatment, where they soon discovered she bore only a handful of scrapes and scratches: all superficial, nothing warranting significant attention. The blood streaked across her face, soaking her clothes, dripping from her fingertips- none of it was hers, but it wouldn't take long for them to figure out whose it was.

Whispers spread among the heroes and policemen, branching quickly from those who entered the building, who saw what was down there.

"It was like paint."

"There wasn't a body, just mush."

"There were pieces of bone stuck in the ceiling."

"The trail of blood led all the way to the entrance."

"The smell..."

No one had seen her do it, but it was no stretch of the imagination.

"It couldn't have been quick."

"It must have taken hours."

"They still haven't finished cleaning it up."

They found the other children. Amnestica, Horus, Traceback, along with the abducted boy were discovered in an empty mill- one that, according to records, was built atop the remains of an old orphanage that burned down years ago. They were found startled and disoriented, but ultimately unharmed. The man from the Tartarus security camera footage, Amplify, however, was not with them.

They found their missing student as well, or rather, he had found them. He was in rough shape, covered in dirt and bruises sustained from his less-than-heroic escapades that night. Apparently, by his own admission, he was responsible for the attacks on those heroes. It certainly wasn't ideal- less-than-heroic always did suit him- but no one was much concerned with that at the moment. He had been brought to the hospital as well, his wounds mild but not insignificant.

As for Aizawa, whose uncharacteristic restlessness might be, in part, attributable to the lack of sleep, the quiet hero had been waiting in the sterile wings for hours. He wanted to speak to Unknown, but had yet to even catch a glimpse of her since she was taken in. According to the dog-chief, she was being questioned, but he gave no further detail. It seemed they were keeping her out of sight; there wasn't much he could do for her now, but there was another student of his whom, he suspected, could use his help at the moment.

"Sir," a voice called out, drawing his attention up to the door beside him, "you can go in now."

Muttering a quiet thanks under his breath, he approached the door, shuffling past the nurse and stepping into the hospital room. The faint beeping, humming of machinery reached him just as the door clicked shut.

"Running off like that was incredibly reckless, you know."

"Save it. I don't need a lecture."

"It was a stupid move, and you should have known better," he continued, taking a seat beside the half-reclined bed.


"Well? Did you find what you were looking for?"

Bakugo huffed, eyes cast low as a frown twisted the corners of his lips, his bandaged arms shifting in place. "I didn't even get there in time, remember?"

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