Chapter 19

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Unknown leaned against the headboard of her bed, legs extended in front of her, arms crossed loosely over her stomach. Her eyes lay closed and her head tilted back slightly as her chest rose and fell with each light breath.

The bare walls around her were a soft off-white color, the room was rather empty, containing only a gray-lined bed pushed into a corner and a small white desk against the wall opposite of it. The face of the desk was bare, revealing the faded surface was scratched and slightly discolored from wear. The closet next to it saw the door slightly ajar, enough to see it was mostly empty save for a few items hanging from the metal racks inside, a number of empty clothing hangers, and a cardboard box by the back wall. The air was pleasantly warm, at least in comparison to the ever-growing chill outside, and the single light mounted to the white ceiling remained dormant, leaving the room dark without its glow. Only a distant mechanical humming filled the space of the otherwise silent room.

A knock came at the door.

"What is it?"

"Manager wants to see you," Traceback's quiet voice spoke from outside.

Unknown sighed as she reluctantly opened her eyes. She pushed herself over the edge of the bed as her feet met the carpeted floor. Unhurriedly, she made her way over to the door and pulled it open, watching the shorter redhead shift aside as she stepped into the brightly-lit hallway, squinting a bit as her eyes adjusted. She closed the door behind her with a soft click, and the pair started down the hall.

"What's this about?" Unknown asked, her voice echoing faintly off the painted white walls.

"I'm not sure," Traceback answered quietly, as brief as always. "Sorry."

After a moment of silence, Unknown spoke again.

"How's your training these days?"

"It's alright, thank you."

"I remember you were doing well against Amnestica before I left."

"I'm not as good as her yet, but... I might be soon."

"I think you will."

"Thanks..." She paused for a moment, her eyes briefly flicking up to the older girl's back before her gaze returned to the floor. " was UA?"

"It was nice."

"Did you... meet any heroes?"

"A lot, actually."

"Oh, that's good."

Unknown glanced back at her from the corner of her eye. "You know, it's not wrong to want to be a hero."

"But it is."

"Manager isn't always right," she hummed, watching out of the corner of her eyes as the girl frowned slightly, "But then again, what do I know? Don't listen to me," she shrugged. "Anyway, we're here. You can go ahead."

Traceback nodded as they came to a stairwell. Unknown watched as the younger girl stepped past her, down the stairs, and into the living room just below, heading towards a couch where Horus sat with a book in hand. The older girl turned to the right where a plain white door stood, knocking twice before pushing it open.

"Unknown! I was waiting for you," the Manager greeted cheerfully as he waved her over.

She took a seat in front of the small desk, watching as he shuffled a few papers and placed them in a neat pile. "I just got a message from Shigaraki: he needs you to meet up with some of the others later today- something about a new mission."

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