Chapter 17

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Toga perked up as she heard the faint squeak of the gate outside.

"They're here! They're here!" she grinned widely, eagerly tapping Twice's arm as he bounced alongside her.

A moment passed before the heavy metal door slowly creaked open, and five people came into view.

"Nice place you got here," Amnestica hummed, glancing around as she stepped into the crumbling factory room. "Can't you at least turn on a light or two?"

"Quiet down," the Manager chided before turning to the man who sat hunched on a dusty stack of wooden pallets. "Nice to see you again, Shigaraki."

"Yea," he breathed dryly. "Is this all of them?"

"It is. League of Villains, these are the other members of Sacrosanct," he introduced, glancing back at the three with an expectant smile.

"Hi, call me Amnestica."


"Traceback. It's nice to meet you."

"And you already know the two of us," the Manager smiled, gesturing to Unknown.

"Welcome!" Twice hollered, throwing his arms in the air as Toga mirrored him, waving cheerfully.

"We're glad to have you on. Sorry to put you to work so soon, but I have a task for you," Shigaraki stated, turning his only visible eye to Unknown. "It's important. Go with Dabi and he'll explain."

"What about us?" Amnestica raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Nothing for now. Just remember, everyone should keep an eye out for potential recruits. We need more members for the next step of our plan, but only worthwhile ones, got it?"

"Of course," the Manager nodded with a pleasant grin.

"Good. You can go now, Dabi," he motioned to the figure standing in the corner.

The silent man kicked off the wall and started towards the door, walking past Sacrosanct without so much as a glance.

"Don't mind him- he's a pain," Shigaraki sighed, looking to Unknown. "Go ahead."

The raven-haired girl glanced at the Manager and received a brief nod of approval before turning to follow after him.

"Hi!" Toga sang as she hopped off the old conveyer belt, bounding towards the remaining four. She grabbed both of Traceback's hands and smiled at her eagerly, "Can I have some of your blood?"

"You can't just ask people for their blood, Toga!" Twice exclaimed frantically.

"So you're Sacrosanct..." Spinner grunted, eyeing them up and down. "I've heard of you, but I didn't expect a bunch of kids. I can't say you look like much."

Compress tutted and wagged a finger disapprovingly. "You jump to conclusions so quickly, Spinner."

"I don't care who you are, but you'd better be useful," Magne sniffed with disinterest, setting down her large magnet with a thud.

"Rest assured we'll pull our weight. In fact," the Manager cracked a friendly smile, "how about a demonstration?"

Spinner smirked at the sound of a challenge and stood from his spot atop the creaky metal railing. His hands eagerly went up to the blades strapped behind his back, however he was quickly stopped by Shigaraki who waved a dismissive hand. His arms fell back to his sides as he turned away with a huff.

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