Chapter 29

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Aizawa and Bakugo were instantly swarmed as they entered the 1-A dorm building, the crowd of confused students surrounding them the moment they stepped through the door.

"Was that Unknown?!"

"Why are the police here?"

"What in the world is going on?"

"Why was the door locked?"

"Is that Sacrosanct?"

"Quiet down," Aizawa demanded, having to raise his voice over the hurried barrage of questions. The students quickly fell silent, exchanging confused, worried glances amongst themselves. Aizawa took a step forward, the crowd shifting to let him through as he moved towards the common area. He breathed a shallow sigh upon reaching the far wall, leaning back and motioning for them to sit. The class hesitantly followed, quietly spreading out and each finding a place atop the couches and chairs. They all looked to their teacher expectantly, uncertain curiosity creasing their worried expressions.

Aizawa sighed quietly before beginning what he knew would be a long, difficult explanation.

"This won't be kept secret for much longer, so I suppose there's no harm in telling you before it makes it to the news." He tilted his head back, eyes unfocused, as if trying to recall some distant memory. "All of this started a year ago when Unknown simply... showed up one day."


A young girl sat inside a vacant police station office. The walls were an off-white shade, matching the thin layer of frost coating the grass outside. It was the dead of winter, temperatures once more plummeting to well below freezing as the moon hung high overhead. The first snow had yet to fall. The pale colors of the room contrasted starkly against her dark hair, one side tucked neatly behind her ear as the rest fell past her shoulders. She wore a dark wool coat, the thick material reaching down to her knees, the front buttons remaining unclasped in the warm office air. Her dark, apathetic gaze rested blankly on the opposite wall.

A pair of faint voices came from outside the room, speaking quietly.

"I'm sorry to call you in so late, sir, but the girl asked for you specifically. She won't speak to any of us."

"Do you think she's telling the truth?"

"I'm... yes, I think so."

"Alright, give us a moment."

The door opened as a tall man with a dog's head stepped inside. He remained silent as he removed his coat, neatly hanging it up as he shut the door softly behind him. He leisurely made his way around the desk, taking a seat in a large leather chair, and it was only then that the girl's eyes turned to him.

"You gave my officers quite a scare," he started, gesturing towards the steel table outside, now lying flattened to the ground.

"They didn't believe me, so I gave them some proof."

"What's your name?"


"What's your full name?"

"I don't have one."

"Why is that?"

"I don't remember it."

"I see..." he mused, though it was clear he wasn't quite convinced. "You told my officers you had information on Sacrosanct?"

"I told them I'm a member of Sacrosanct."

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