Chapter 3

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Bakugo entered the classroom the next morning with the same sour expression as always, and as always, Naoko wasn't far behind.

"Hey, Naoko!" Yaoyorozu waved cheerfully from the other side of the room.

"Good morning!" she greeted with her usual smile, taking her seat behind the other raven-haired girl. "How's your arm doing?"

"Oh, it's fine now! Recovery Girl fixed it up in no time!" she assured, patting the arm that had been injured in yesterday's battle trial.

"Good morning, class," a tired voice droned as Aizawa entered the classroom, a stack of papers under his arm. "Today you'll be assigned a short-term project. You'll receive a paper detailing real-world scenarios involving villainous activity, and you're responsible for writing a short essay for each, analyzing the best way to approach the problem. You'll be working in groups of two or three, and your answers must be specific to your own abilities. Just imagine you're encountering these scenarios with your group members and explain what you would do, ideally, and why."

Pulling out a small cardboard box, slips of paper were drawn one by one.

"Groups will be chosen randomly, and you'll have today and tomorrow in class to work on it. The assignment is due in two days, collected at the beginning of class." As he drew names, Aizawa copied the selected groups onto the chalkboard behind him.

The students leaned in, waiting eagerly to see who their group members would be for their first written assignment of the year.

Aoyama, Hagakure

Kouda, Tokoyami, Jiro

Ashido, Kaminari

Iida, Asui, Sato

Ito, Todoroki

Bakugo, Mineta, Uraraka

Shoji, Kirishima, Sero

Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro

"One member of each group, come get your scenario list."

The class quickly filled with chatter as everyone moved to gather in their groups and retrieve their assignment sheets. Naoko looked over to Todoroki, who stood up before she could say anything. The clatter of shifting desks filled the classroom as students began arranging themselves.

"Thanks!" Naoko smiled as her designated partner returned with their sheet.

He nodded and pulled his desk next to hers, setting the paper, or rather, packet, down between them.

"That's... a lot," she tilted her head. Briefly flipping through the packet, she counted well over a dozen pages, each filled with concerningly small text.

"We should be able to finish if we're efficient," Todoroki stated, apparently unperturbed, pulling out a notebook and flipping it open.

Naoko pulled out a notebook of her own, and the pair turned their attention to the first page. After reading the example response provided, they moved on to scenario #1:

Ten hostages are being held inside a meeting room of a large plastics company. The building has already been evacuated by the time you arrive. You know the following regarding the situation:
-There are at least two villains
-The meeting room is on the top floor
-The meeting room has one-way windows: able to see out from inside but not in from outside
-The villains entered the building 20 minutes ago
-At least one of the villains have one or more firearms
-There have been no demands made
As you enter the building, you overhear one of the evacuated workers say his supervisor, Matsumura Kei, was among those taken captive. You do not know the identity of the villains.
What do you do?

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