Chapter 12

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"Remind me why you're not going again?" Bakugo glared as he sat on Naoko's bed, legs outstretched and leaning back on his palms.

"Like I said, I still have some things I need to do here," Naoko briefly smiled up at him before returning her attention to the phone in her hands. "Besides, I'm not really interested in the expo anyways."

"Neither am I, but I have to go," he huffed under his breath.

"You won the sports festival: they want you there! Plus, you could make some useful connections in a place like that. It'll be good for you."

"So why aren't you going?"

"I think I just explained that part, Bakugo."

"Shut up! Thanks to you I had to invite Shitty Hair instead."

"You didn't 'have to' invite him. You're friends, remember?"


"Don't worry- I'm sure it'll be fun," she smiled encouragingly, placing her phone face down in her lap. "Some of the others are going too: I know Ochako, Kyoka, and Momo will be there. They've been talking about it ever since they got their tickets. Oh, and Todoroki too."

"Hah?" Bakugo frowned, expression instantly souring, "That half n' half bastard?! How do you know that?"

"He told me?" she smiled, tilting her head. "He's going for Endeavor, but I don't think he's too happy about it."

"Now I want to go even less," he sneered, throwing his head back.

"Oh, come on- even if you don't like it, it's only for a few days," she smiled reassuringly, leaning forward in her seat. "You'll be fine!"

"Yea, whatever."

"Hey, are you sure you don't want to pack any nice clothes? The others said the reception is supposed to be a formal event."

"I'm not going to that thing. Just being there is already a pain."

"Well, ok. Let me know how it goes, alright?"

"Why should I, loser?"

"Because I asked nicely?"

"Whatever," he huffed, slumping back onto the bed with his arms crossed.


The day after she went to see Bakugo and Kirishima off at the airport, Naoko woke up a bit later than usual. The sun was already shining high overhead by the time she dragged herself out of bed. Summer vacation had just begun, and it seemed she was already as unproductive as ever.

After a few numb hours of lazing around, she threw on some presentable clothes and padded downstairs. She stuck a note onto the kitchen counter, letting Mitsuki and Masaru know she would be gone for a while, before slipping on her shoes and grabbing an umbrella, stepping out of the empty house and into the blazing heat of the summer sun.

The weather outside was about as hot and dry as it could be, the scorching glare of the sun above leaving a warm sting where it met her skin. Even breathing was nearing uncomfortable with how the hot air filled her lungs like a heavy weight. Around her, however, plenty of people still bustled through the city streets despite the afternoon heatwave, shielded at least partially by hats and sunglasses. As she passed a large electronics store, she noticed the television in the window broadcasting a live news report on the preparation for this year's I-Expo. Colorful aerial shots of the island and its crowded streets flashed across the screen as she brushed by.

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