Chapter 11

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"No! I didn't study enough! I don't want to fail!" Kaminari groaned, cradling his head mournfully as he rocked back and forth in his seat.

"You're not going to fail, man! We can do this!" Kirishima encouraged, clapping a hand over his shoulder. "We're heroes, dude! A little thing like finals can't get us down!"

"I think so too!" Naoko smiled pleasantly, "It's almost summer! We can do it!"

Kaminari slowly lifted his head up from his desk, peering up at them with pleading eyes. "Do you guys think you could lend me some of your brain for this test?"

"Sorry, man, I think I'm going to need all of mine," Kirishima laughed, cupping a hand around his mouth before pointing to Naoko. "She's got better grades than both of us though. Maybe she has brains to spare?"

"Can't spare what you don't have," Bakugo snorted from a few seats away.

"Oh, don't listen to him! Naturally gifted people could never understand what we go through!" Kirishima shook his head, clenching a fist to his heart dramatically.

Naoko laughed, nodding in agreement just as the classroom door slid open and a gloomy Aizawa stepped inside.

"Take your seats. I'm going to pass out the written portion of your final exam," he announced tiredly.

Naoko quickly whispered a goodbye to the two boys before getting up and shuffling towards the back of the classroom, smiling at Todoroki and Yaoyorozu as she passed, and sliding into her seat. Aizawa handed out the exam packets that then quickly made their way down each row, a shuffle of papers sounding as he started the timer.


After completing the written section, the students were sent to change into their hero costumes before being led outside for the practical portion of their final. They were surprised to see a number of other teachers besides their own. Aizawa explained the practical exam would not be like the previous years, as some had heard from their upperclassmen friends, but instead would be a two-on-one battle between students and teachers.

"Since we've already faced villains twice this year, it would be a little boring to go back to fighting robots, huh?" Jiro mused, tapping her chin.

"In order, the teams will be-" Aizawa glanced down at his clipboard, "Sato and Kirishima versus Cementoss, Asui and Tokoyami versus Ectoplasm, Ojiro and Iida versus Power Loader, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu versus myself-"

"Lucky! The wonder duo!" Ashido whispered dramatically, drawing a few nods from those around her.

"Uraraka and Aoyama versus Thirteen,-"

"Aw, I wanted to be paired with one of you," Uraraka whined, tugging at the girls' arms.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll do great!" Hagakure encouraged, throwing an arm around her shoulders.

"Kaminari and Ashido versus Principal Nezu, Koda and Jiro versus Present Mic, Hagakure and Shoji versus Snipe, Sero and Mineta versus Midnight-"

Mineta screeched, causing everyone around him to flinch and cover their ears. "JACKPOT! BOO-!"

Tsuyu shoved his face into the grass before he could finish.

Aizawa cleared his throat, looking back down at the list, "Midoriya and Bakugo versus All Might, and Ito versus Hound Dog. The first battle will begin in ten minutes; you'll each be brought to your exam locations when it's your turn."

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