Chapter 8

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"Katsuki! Naoko! You're going to be late for your internships!" Mitsuki hollered from downstairs. The sun had just peeked over the horizon as she yelled for the two students.

"I'm up!" Naoko called, rushing out of her room, already wearing her hero costume. She scrambled down the hall, and as she reached the top of the stairs, she heard a door slam open behind her.

Glancing back, she locked eyes with Bakugo for half a moment before he looked away with a frown. Without a word, she turned and hurried downstairs.

"I'm going now! Bye!" she called back to Mitsuki before quickly unlocking the door and slipping out.

"Bye, sweetie! Katsuki! Hurry the hell up!"

"I'm up, you damn hag!"

"Get moving before I throw you out!"

"Shut up!"


"Good morning, sir!" Naoko grinned as she opened the door to a familiar, empty classroom.

"Sit down," Aizawa instructed tiredly as his sullen eyes landed on her, leaning against the chalkboard with his arms crossed.

Naoko cheerfully slid into her seat in the back of the room. "Hey, wasn't it a little mean to put me back here in a row all by myself? It gets kind of lonely."

"With an uneven number of students, there was no choice but to arrange the desks like this. Besides, you don't seem to have any trouble making friends."

"That's because I'm so nice to everyone!"

"Sure. Anyway, All Might has brought up some concerns about your behavior," he sighed, scratching his head.

"Oh? What kind of concerns?" She leaned forward on her elbows, resting her chin atop her hands.

"He's noticed your lack of effort. He thinks you aren't trying as hard as the rest of the class."

"That's not true, sir! My grades are pretty good, last time I checked!"

"It's not about your grades: he's talking about your commitment. He'll probably come talk to you about it soon, so don't be surprised."


"Why are you in your hero costume? You could have at least worn your uniform to blend in."

"I know, but I haven't had much chance to wear it: I just thought I'd take the opportunity!"

"Right... well, I'm leaving. You can stay in here if you want, just don't leave this floor. Don't give me more work than I already have, got it?"

"Got it!"


"Sir, she's the only one in the room right now; a larger heat signature just left."

"She's alone? Where are the other students?"

"According to our intel, they're currently participating in internships at a number of different hero agencies."

"What? And you didn't think to say that before?"

"S-sorry, sir!"

"When do they return?"

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