Chapter 9

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"Unknown?" Yaoyorozu echoed, brows knitting in confusion, "What in the world is that?"

"Why did they mention our class?"

"What did they mean when they said the teachers wouldn't be able to help us? Did they capture them too?"

"Do you think we're in danger?"

"What's happening?"

The speaker system crackled to life again, instantly quieting the frantic students.

"As of this moment, anyone found in the hallway will be disposed of. We're coming to you, Class 1-A. Oh, and don't try anything- we have one of your own."

Everyone's breaths hitched as they glanced around the room, trying to identify who they could be talking about. The only students missing were Koda, Sero, and Todoroki.

"T-they're coming here?!" Mineta exclaimed, shooting out of his seat.

"What are we going to do?" Midoriya stood up anxiously.

"Listen, everyone! We have to stay put and wait for help to arrive!"

"But what if they don't get here in time?!"

"We'll have to fight them, won't we?"

"We don't know how strong the villains are! It could be dangerous!"

"We can't just watch while they do whatever they want!"

"E-everyone! Please listen!" Uraraka shouted. The commotion quieted slightly as all eyes turned to her. "I think I have an idea! I-it's not much, but... it sounds like they're looking for someone or something called 'unknown.' The man said they were coming here, so they must think we have it! Maybe if we all keep quiet and stall for as long as possible, it might give the pro-heroes time to get here!"

"But how are we supposed to stall?"

"We can just avoid their questions! We can also try to learn what 'unknown' is while we're at it!"

"Wouldn't it be easier to just stop them? We could surprise attack them all at once- it would be hard for any villain to defend against all of us, right?"

"We don't know how many of them there are, ribbit. They might have some way to call for backup."

"Yea, they could hurt the hostages..."

"What if we split up?"

All heads turned to Yaoyorozu as the words left her mouth.

"But they said they'll kill anyone in the hallways!"

"I don't think they will," she said, her eyes focused on something invisible as her brows furrowed in concentration. "Think about it! The only reason they would come to us is because they need something from us. They addressed all of class 1-A, not just one person, so I think they might not know which one of us has, or knows about, what they're looking for! If we split up into groups, we can slow them down while also looking for the teachers and hostages. If we can find the teachers or save the other students, that'll give us an advantage, right?"

The students glanced at each other uncertainly, some exchanging slow nods between them.

"Maybe Yaoyorozu's right," Iida spoke through gritted teeth. "It's wrong to disobey the rules, but there are students in danger!"

"How many groups should we split into?" Tokoyami asked, standing up.

"I think there should be two: one to focus on saving the hostages, and the other on finding the teachers."

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