Chapter 13

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Naoko slept in late again. It was almost noon by the time she pried her eyes open, having been woken up by the pressing heat in her room. It was yet another sunny day, warm enough that she could feel herself beginning to sweat just from glancing out the window.

She sighed and closed her eyes again, draping an arm over her face to block out the sun. She remained there, motionless and only half awake, for longer than she should have, and she would have stayed that way were it not for the sudden banging at her door. She sighed and reluctantly pulled herself upright, her feet pressing against the warm floorboards as she shuffled across the room. She opened the door tiredly.

"Hi, Bakugo!" Naoko greeted with a bright smile.

"Gross. Don't do that," the boy wrinkled his nose as she practically oozed cheerfulness. "You're not doing anything today, right?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Good. Hurry up and get dressed. You have five minutes."

"What?" she tilted her head, blinking questioningly, "Why?"

"Just do it," he huffed, shoving her back into her room before pulling the door shut.

She blinked a few times, staring at the closed doorway in confusion. After a moment, she hesitantly turned and rifled through her closet for some acceptable clothing, and upon finding a loose t-shirt and some shorts, she quickly changed before stepping out of the room.

Bakugo turned around at the sound of the door opening. His brows drew as he scanned her up and down. "You look like a loser. Try again."

"...this is what I usually wear?" she blinked slowly, head tilting in confusion.

"Well you have to look like a real person today," he frowned, turning her around and pushing her back into her room yet again.

Naoko could only stare, puzzled, as the door shut behind her once more.

After a few more minutes, she emerged from her room for the third time, peering expectantly at him.


He glanced down at the sundress she now wore- light and pretty, an appropriately summery dress he didn't know she owned- and only let his eyes linger for a split second before he turned around as fast as he could, obscuring the red tinge that threatened to flush his cheeks.

"Yea, whatever. Let's go," he huffed, shoving his hands into his pockets and starting down the stairs.

She trailed after him slowly. "So..." she peered up at his slight frown as they exited the house, "...where are we going?"


"Ok... but where?"

"Shut up and find out."

"You're being suspicious, you know."

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Naoko quirked an eyebrow, slowly turning to face forward as she hesitantly decided to go along with whatever he was up to.

"How come I have to look nice but you get to look like that?" she teased, lightheartedly changing the subject.

"The hell do you mean?! What's wrong with how I look?!"

"I mean, that's the same tank top you always wear."


"I'm just saying. We could have both looked nice: that would've been cute, don't you think?"

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