Chapter 5

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        The next day, Naoko didn't come to class, and when asked if he knew anything about it, Bakugo simply shrugged.

"That loser wandered off somewhere when we got here this morning."

"That's weird..." Midoriya tilted his head, "Do you think she's ok?"

"Who cares?"

"That's mean, Kaachan..."

"Shut up, nerd!"


3 new messages
from: Best girl Momo
Are you ok?

We miss you T-T

Come baaack

1 new message
from: Small Might
Hey, are you at school today? 

5 new messages
from: Angry
Where'd u go
you alive???
answer me


It wasn't until after lunch that Uraraka and Tsuyu spotted the missing girl stepping out of the principal's office.

"Hey! You are here!" Uraraka waved, pausing to wait for her.

"Yea, sorry!" she smiled apologetically as she caught up to them, falling into step beside the pair as they started back towards the classroom, "It was a sudden thing- I didn't have time to tell anyone."

"Did you get in trouble, Naoko-chan?" Tsuyu asked curiously.

"No, nothing like that! Principal Nezu just wanted to talk to me about the incident at USJ yesterday."

"Oh, I see. Hey, by the way, they announced we're having the Sports Festival soon!"

"Sports Festival? Oh, right! I think I've heard of that before."

"It's a huge event! We'll probably even be on TV!"

"I can't believe it's coming up so soon. I hope it'll be fun!"

"I can't wait! I just know it's going to be great!"

"I'm excited, ribbit."

"Me too!"

The three chattered eagerly about their hopes for the upcoming festival, and before long, they found themselves back in the classroom, just a few minutes before the bell rang. The room was mostly empty, it seemed, as many of their classmates had yet to return from their break.

"Hi, Todoroki," Naoko smiled as she passed behind him on the way to her seat.

"Hi," he greeted, glancing back at her.

"Have you seen your grade for that writing assignment we had a while ago?"

"Yea. We got full marks, right?"

"Yea! I'm glad all that work paid off!"

"Me too."

The bell sounded loudly throughout the school, announcing the start of class as students quickly rushed in from the hallways, eager to avoid a tardy strike.

A moment later, a heavily-bandaged Aizawa stepped into the room. "Take out the packet you started yesterday and work on the second and third pages. These will be due at the end of class," he droned tiredly- a bit muffled- already stepping into his sleeping bag.

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