Chapter 35

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"You have a visitor."


"Um, it's important, miss."

"Go away..."

"Unknown, it's me."

A disheveled head groggily lifted itself from the ruffled pillow, glancing over toward the half-open door.

"Huh. Haven't seen you in a while, Eraser," she mused flatly as he stepped into the room, the door closing quietly behind him. She let her cheek hit the pillow again as she pulled the sheets up over her shoulder. "Leave. I have nothing to say to-"

"You're being released in two days."

She remained still, then her head snapped back to him in an instant, eyes sharp and calculating as she stared intently at him. She scanned his face for a trace of a smile, a mocking laugh, any sign of deception, but found only his usual stoic gaze.

"...really?" she whispered, eyes widening in disbelief.

Aizawa nodded, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "The Hero Commission made their decision last night. A public announcement is going out later today. Congratulations."

Unknown's gaze lowered as she blinked slowly, the news gradually registering in her mind. She remained still for a moment before moving to push herself up, slowly adjusting into a sitting position. "...why?"

"Well, I don't know the specifics, but the chief mentioned something about not wanting to deter others like you from coming forward in the future. I'm sure there's more to it, but either way, you won't be staying here much longer."

"...just like that? I'm just... free?"

"You're free."

Her hands rested gently on her knees as she stared at something unseen in the corner. Her heart raced, faster than it had in months, and she felt like it might burst from her chest.

The high, however, wouldn't last long.

"Where am I supposed to go?" she frowned softly.

She didn't have a home, she didn't have money, she didn't have a family- not that she knew of anyways- and they certainly wouldn't let her go back to the old house, if it was even still there.

Where did she have left to go?

"I've asked them to release you into my custody. It's already been approved."

Her eyes snapped up to him once again, almost more startled than the previous revelation. "What do you mean?"

"I have a few students who were very... adamant."


"Mr. Aizawa!"

"Mr. Aizawa, are you there?!"

"Please open the door!"

"Sir, it's important!"

Aizawa glanced back from his computer, frowning at the chorus of shouts clamoring outside his door. He looked down at the time, the corner of his screen reading nearly midnight. Reluctantly, he sighed as he rose from his chair and trudged over to the door.

"It's past curfew, what do you-"

"Sir! Is it true Unknown is being released?!" Uraraka shouted, hands waving rapidly in front of her, chest heaving and noticeably out of breath.

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