Chapter 2

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The first day of school had finally come.

Bakugo and Naoko arrived at the metal gate after an uneventful walk where he, as usual, categorically refused to be within five feet of her. They entered the building and soon located their classroom, a tall door with '1-A' inscribed on it in bright red, and Bakugo stomped inside. Naoko followed a few steps behind him and temporarily settled in one of the seats closest to the door.

A few minutes passed and more students began trickling in. They exchanged greetings with their friends, introduced themselves to unfamiliar faces, and, in Bakugo's case, started an argument with anyone who so much as glanced at him.

Everyone quieted down when their new teacher, Mr. Aizawa, stepped into the room, looking rather like he had just woken up. He unenthusiastically introduced himself and gave them their assigned seats. Oddly enough, Naoko was placed at the desk in the far back corner of the classroom: the only one in its row.

It seemed there were 21 students in class 1-A.


Aizawa brought the class outside for a quirk apprehension test, as he called it, explaining the eight physical tests they would have to pass.

"As future heroes, you don't have time for useless activities like school orientation. One of UA's selling points is its unorthodox teaching methods," he stated plainly upon being asked if there would be an assembly for the first years today. "Everyone is familiar with these kinds of tests, right? It'll be the same thing, except you're free to use your quirks however you like. Points from each test will be totaled at the end for an overall ranking. The one who places last will be expelled."


Frantic whispers broke out among the students.

"Expulsion on the first day?!"

"Is that why there's an odd number of us? So they can kick one of us out?"

"That's too cruel!"

"Be quiet," Aizawa cut them off impatiently, drawing the class's attention back to him. "Hurry and get in line. We'll begin now."

And with the threat of expulsion heavy on their minds, the unnerved students focused anxiously on the tasks presented to them, all eager to preserve their hard-earned places at UA.

Naoko's smile stayed in place throughout each of the tests.

During the shot-put portion, there seemed to be some kind of conflict between the teacher and a green-haired boy, but she didn't notice what it was about.

"Remind me not to get on his bad side," the girl next to her, one with short purple hair and cord-like earlobes, leaned over and whispered.

"I agree," she laughed.

In the end, no one got expelled; it turns out their teacher just liked making cruel jokes, and so the class remained 21 strong.

"Congratulations, Bakugo- you were in the top three!"

"Fuck off!" he shouted, quickly storming off and away from her.

"What's up with him?" the boy next to her nudged, watching as Bakugo yelled at Midoriya up ahead.

"I think he's just like that."

"What a pain..."

"Ito," a voice called.

She turned around to see Aizawa standing behind the group as they started back towards the building.

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