Chapter 47

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"We'll have to leave the hotel no later than 10 AM tomorrow to make it to the venue in time to prepare for your fanmeet, and it's important for it to go well since this is your first appearance in Japan and the tickets are sold out-"


"-and I've added some buffer time afterward in case the event runs over or for any unplanned delays, but I have to leave by 2:30 PM for the meeting with the manufacturers for that new line of merchandise, and it shouldn't run any later than 5PM so you'll have that time to yourself-"


"-but please try to stay inside the hotel because we're expecting a lot of reporters to be around since news of your visit was confirmed, and based on my social media analysis, we don't think the location of the hotel has been leaked yet but we still need to keep the press at a minimum and we don't want any of them tailing you back and causing trouble-"


"-and please be sure not to use your quirk while we're here since your American hero license doesn't have jurisdiction in Japan and we really don't want any bad publicity that could hurt your popularity or your public image-"

"I know."

"-and I have to remember to send out thank you cards to the Gala's organizers and sponsors the day after the event, and they'll probably want to invite you back next year so please start thinking about if you'll want to come back so I can let them know when they do- oh! And I haven't confirmed the announcement details for your new merchandise yet- I'll have to get in contact with the graphic design team we worked with last time- oh- oh shoot, I forgot who the point of contact was! I'll have to ask Rex to ask Hyacinth's secretary since I think they used the same company once- I need to get their info in time or the announcement will be delayed which means the release will be delayed and the manufacturer will be upset and the PR director will upset and-"

"How about," Doublecross interrupted, slowly taking the stack of files from the girl's hands before she could reshuffle them any more, "you take a break for ten minutes?"

"But this is the first time your official merchandise is releasing in Japan and it's projected to do really well and this is important to your brand and I have to-"

"Ten minutes or you're fired."

The girl faltered, her voice catching in her throat. After a moment, she sighed quietly, dropping into the seat next to her. "You can't say that every time I get stressed."

"I think I can, actually. You'll have plenty of time to deal with all this," she set the mound of files on the table between them, "after we get to the hotel. I'm sure it'll be easier to organize things there."

"But what will I do until then?"

"I don't know, look out the window? Take a nap?"

The girl sighed a shallow breath, hands fiddling with her collar as she shifted in her seat. A moment of silence fell between them before she found the courage to speak up.

"So... are you... nervous about going back?"

"Should I be?"

"Well, I heard about what it was like for you, you know, with your childhood and all. I just thought maybe, I don't know, it would bring back... bad memories?"

"Oh? And where did you hear about all that?"

"Well, I kind of... read your file...? I didn't mean to pry, really! It was just something they told me to do before I started working for you and I thought it would help me assist you better and-"

"Relax, I'm joking. Everyone knows about that old story- it's not much of a secret, really."

"R-right! Then... are you excited to be back?"

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