Chapter 48

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"I really have to leave in the next five minutes or I'm going to be late to the meeting- so I've already asked security to clear the route back so you don't have to hurry to leave, but please go straight back to the hotel and make sure to avoid any reporters if you see them, but remember to be nice if any fans stop you, and all your gifts have already been checked so they're safe if you want to look through them yourself, ok?"

"Got it."

"Oh, and you might want to take some time to go over your speech for the gala just to make sure you have it memorized too, and I know you've already got it down but practice never hurts-"

"We can talk about that later; you should really get going."

"Right! Make sure to let security know if you have any safety concerns, and the hotel has dining options on the second floor if you get hungry-"


"I know, I'm going! Make sure to call me if you need anything! I'll let you know how it goes!" And with one last wave, the woman hurriedly ducked into the waiting car before it hurriedly zipped away down the street, surely at Lillian's insistence that they must not be late.

Doublecross sighed, turning to step back into the building behind her. A security guard dressed in a rather stereotypical black suit turned as he heard her enter.

"Ma'am, everything's in order; we're ready to leave when you are."

"Thanks, and don't call me that."

"It's just procedure, ma'am."

"We can go now. And cut it out or you're fired."

"With all due respect, we work for the Federation, not you. You can't fire us."

"Not technically, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to bet on that."

"Certainly not, ma'am."

"Are you doing that just to spite me?"

"I wouldn't dare, ma'am."

"You're on thin ice, you know that?"

"The car is ready for you now," he stated dismissively, brushing past her, "We should get going."

"I know you heard me," she huffed in mock indignation as she followed him out of the building, slipping into the backseat of the idling car and shooting him a dramatic frown as he shut the door behind her, a light thud jostling them momentarily. After a moment, he slid into the passenger's seat, exchanging a brief few words with the driver before the car began rolling out of the private parking lot. "So how do you like Japan so far?"

"It's pleasant."

"That sounds awfully disingenuous."

"I haven't exactly had time to explore."

"Ah, because you've been working, right? You should take the rest of the day off- go and see the city or something. And bring the others too."

"Need I remind you we're not here on vacation, ma'am?"

"Don't take everything so seriously. Would it kill you to relax a little? Besides, your kid likes keeping up with your travels, right? You should take some pictures for him."

"I didn't realize you remembered that."

"Oh please- he and your wife come to pick you up in that bright orange minivan every day: it's kind of hard to forget. That, and he still call me 'Bubblecross' every time he sees me."

"He's a funny kid."

"Definitely gets it from his mom. You should really call her more, you know."

"Since when were you two so familiar?"

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