Chapter Twenty-Three: Grian/Mumbo

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A soundless scream escaped Grian's lips. He was trapped.

Trapped inside his own mind.

It was like watching a movie.

You could yell at the characters all you wanted.

But they would never hear.

He could do nothing except watch as his body, as Zena approached Mumbo. 

A sword came to Mumbo's hand.




"I thought you were more than just a Watcher," Mumbo spat. "I guess I was wrong." 

Although Grian knew that Mumbo was really just talking to Zena, a part of him couldn't help but feel hurt. 

Fury burned in Mumbo's chocolate brown eyes as he lunged at Grian- no, Zena.

It was like watching through your own eyes. 

Except you couldn't move.

Couldn't talk. 

Only watch. 

Your body moved for you.

Your mouth moved for you. 

It was bizarre.

And terrifying. 

Zena dodged swiftly, and Grian wanted to rip his eyes away as she pulled magic to her hands. 

He wanted to turn off this 'movie'.

Take the VR headset and pull it off his head.

Look away from the screen.

None of that was possible. 

Zena blasted Mumbo again, but almost missed, only grazing Mumbo's shoulder. He clapped a hand to the spot, and Grian practically wanted to cry at his pained expression.

The Watcher slowly approached Mumbo, dark swirling magic coming to her hands.


Grian pushed against the walls that Zena had set around him. Desperation fueled his veins.

When a Watcher kills, the player doesn't respawn.


Grian pushed harder, feeling as if he were bound by mental chains. He pushed against those chains, pleading for the inevitable to never come.

Please, please...

Grian felt like he was banging against a window.

'Don't push. Pull. Pull it in.'

The voice echoed inside of his mind, as if his subconscious was trying to remind him. 

Grian pulled.

It felt like his entire mind was being compressed.

It hurt, to say the least.

Please, please...

Grian pulled on the forces as he watched Zena raise her sword.

That's it.


And before Grian knows what's going on, there's a blinding flash of light, and then everything is dark.

POV Shift: Mumbo

Anger burns in Mumbo's stomach as he watches Grian raise his sword.

No fear.

He knows he won't respawn, but yet...

Only anger.

Dark, passionate fury.

A part of him is hopeful.

He had managed to send out the warning code on his communicator, a simple "123" typed in, indicating that whoever had sent it was in danger from Grian. 

But most of his emotions?



But, just as Grian is about to bring the sword down for that final strike...

He drops the blade.

It cuts across Mumbo's chest, painful but not fatal. 

Grian's lavender eyes flash, and then the Watcher collapses on the ground. 


Realization hits Mumbo like a truck.

Grian... has violet eyes.


Mumbo ignores this sudden realization, unsure of what in means and in too much pain the try and figure it out. Suddenly, Grian pulls himself up with a groan.

"Mumbo?" the Watcher's voice was weak, his violet eyes tired. Said eyes widen in horror upon seeing Mumbo.

"Mumbo!" he repeated, scrambling over to cover up the redstoners wounds. "Oh... I am so sorry..."


"You tried to kill me," Mumbo snapped. "Get away, Watcher. Doc was certainly right about you." Mumbo kicked Grian away, wrapping bands of steel around his heart as he registered the hurt on Grian's face.

"Mumbo, I-" Grian's voice was broken. "It wasn't me, it was-" 

"What do you mean it wasn't you?" Mumbo lashed out. Something darker burned in Grian's gaze as he said it.

"If you'd just let me explain, then you'd understand!" Grian flared back. "Though your not going to let me explain, are you? This isn't a tragic event in your story, it's the inevitable! You never really trusted me, you thought I'd try and kill you!"

"Well, I was right, wasn't I?!"

Suddenly, an arrow flew by, coming within inches of stabbing Grian in the eye. Grian whipped towards it, only to be splashed in the face with a potion that emitted dark-grey-blue particles. 

Grian inhaled in, then fell to the ground, completely knocked out. Doc came running over, took one look at Mumbo, then looked the redstoner dead in the eyes and said,

"What did I say?" Mumbo sighed.

"You're right. He really can't be trusted."

Side note: While I was writing this, autocorrect corrected 'groan' to 'Grian'

I'm so proud...


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