Chapter Twenty-Seven: Doc/Mumbo

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First things first! I posted an announcement about this, but please check out the Redemption Backstory Oneshot in my Behind The Scenes book if you haven't already! It explains a LOT, so please read that before this chapter. 

Second things second! The shipping is about to skyrocket, so if you are uncomfortable with reading it, THIS BOOK MAY NOT BE FOR YOU.

WC: ~660


Bdubs was alive.


Doc could see him again. 

Be with him again.

The robotic creeper was tuning out the rest of the world, unable to focus on anything except for the memories.

My last words to you might not actually be the last ones.


Doc glanced down to his metal arm. Something Doc had gotten used to.

Bdubs had no idea he was like this.

Will he still love me... like this?

Doc hadn't really felt bad about himself when it came to the robotic parts. They just became part of his life. He was too busy mourning for his lost friends to throw a tantrum over some body parts that were this easily replaced.

But the idea of Bdubs seeing him like this metallic monster?

Something about it made Doc's stomach sink. 

But would it really matter?

As long as Bdubs was back.

That was all Doc cared about at that moment.

 He would get him back.

Even if it meant working with the enemy. 

POV Shift: Mumbo

The smallest part of Mumbo felt guilty.

Seeing Grian tied to a tree with his hands behind his back.

He was clearly uncomfortable.


But a dark fury overpowered the guilt when he thought about what Grian had done.

I'll always remember those dangerous lavender eyes.

"Mumbo!" Grian cried out, struggling against the bonds. Xisuma immediately went to hold him in place, making Mumbo feel oddly sick.

"Can... can I talk to Grian alone?" he asked, surprising everyone, including himself. 

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Xisuma mumbled. 

"Please, 'Suma?" Mumbo pleaded. "You and Doc can go... do... stuff." Xisuma sighed.

"Message us if anything goes wrong," he agreed, although obviously reluctant.

He's only agreeing because Grian's tied up. 

And with that, Xisuma and Doc left.

"Mumbo, I'm so, so sorry," Grian choked out. 

"Why'd you do it?" Mumbo only had one question on his mind. "You said, Grian. You said you were done, only for this-

"I was possessed," Grian whispered. "Please tell me you saw something that will make you believe me."

"I..." Mumbo pressed his lips together, trying to think. "Your eyes were lavender." 

"My eyes are violet!" There was clear desperation in Grian's voice. "Zena's... I'm sure hers are lavender, you know I would never do anything like that Mumbo, I-"

"I believe you," Mumbo murmured. "I said that I'd give you a chance, and I'm sticking by that. I'm not going to let one accident get in the way." 

"I almost killed you," Grian's voice was horror-struck. 

"No," Mumbo told him. "That other Watcher almost killed me. They just used you as a vessel."

Why am I still trusting him?

Because I'm right.

"Still," Grian mumbled. "You don't have to do this, Mumbo."

He doesn't trust himself.

I told myself he couldn't be trusted.

But I was wrong.

Mumbo took a deep breath, then sat down next to Grian, and unbound his wrists. 

"This isn't a good idea," he pointed out, eyes wide. Mumbo glared at the bloodstained rope before tossing it aside. Grian rubbed his wrists, wincing.

"I don't think you'll be possessed again," Mumbo admitted. "Besides, I don't like seeing you tied up like that. I can't believe Xisuma let them cut your wrists."

"I can't believe you don't think that it was a good idea," Grian grumbled, although he tossed his arms around Mumbo and hugged the redstoner. 

"Do you?" Mumbo asked, his voice no more than a whisper. "Do you think the cuts were a good idea?"

"Yes," Grian's response was instant. No second thoughts. 

"Well, you're wrong," Mumbo told the Watcher, staring at the nearly set sun behind the hugging Hermits.

"You're such an idiot," Grian mumbled, yawning. "Zena could pop back at any time, and then you're dead."

I don't care.

Mumbo didn't voice this thought, just didn't move his position.

The two stayed like that until Grian fell asleep in Mumbo's arms.

I wouldn't trade this for the world.

Grian, Watcher or not...

I think I love you.

Hey, I DID say the shipping would escalate! 


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