Chapter Nine: Iskall

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Look at me, altering the POVs! These are some pro-writer moves right here. *dies internally at what I just said*



WC: ~1100 (SPEAKING of pro-writer moves!)


Iskall took a breath and walked up to the Watcher. Xisuma was watching them from afar, it was just Iskall and Grian. Grian was pacing and looked surprised to see Iskall.

"Hallo," Iskall said calmly, extending a hand to Grian. "Iskall." Grian blinked at the word, then something seemed to click in his head.

"Grian," the Watcher responded, taking Iskall's hand.

"I'm willing to give you a chance," Iskall told him. Grian pressed his lips into a tight line.

"That- thank you," Grian mumbled. 

He seems nice, but... he's still a Watcher.


"Can you fly?" the question was out before Iskall could stop it. 

"No," Grian responded, shaking out his wings. "I think they're broken. At least the right one." Iskall exchanged a look with Xisuma, who had come over.

"Should we?" Xisuma asked, the two of them thinking the same thing.

"I don't want to bother her..." Iskall trailed off.

"I'm sure Stress wouldn't mind," Xisuma said with a smile. The more time you spent with Xisuma, the easier it was to tell his expression. His smiles leaked into his words, and it was something that you had to get used to.

"Alright, let's get into the boats," Iskall said with a nervous laugh.

"More boats?" Grian asked, glancing at the water.

"Are you afraid of the water?" Iskall asked, placing down the boat and climbing in.

"Erm, no?" Grian said. "Just..." Grian didn't finish his sentence, just climbed into the boat, sitting right behind Iskall.

Xisuma climbed into a boat and followed Iskall south. Things starting getting cold fast.

"W-where are we going?" Grian asked, shivering. Iskall turned his head to see Grian curled up, using his sleeves to cover his hands.

"Stress is the 'ice queen'," Iskall explained. "Ice queens live where there's ice."

"Well, no kidding, Sherlock," Grian grumbled. Iskall laughed at his comment.

"You have a nice laugh," Grian complimented. "It's different." 

"Thanks, I get that a lot," Iskall replied, humming a tune under his breath.

"Do you trust me?" Grian asked unexpectedly. 

"What are you gonna do, kiss me?" Iskall challenged with a snicker. 

"W-what?" Grian sputtered. "No- I- what?" Iskall took one look at his flustered face and burst out laughing.

"I'm joking," Iskall clarified. "Why are you actually asking?"

"I- you've scarred me for life now, you know that, right?" Grian warned, sending Iskall into another fit of laughter. "Though I was going to follow that up with a 'why are you being so friendly?' line." Iskall raised an eyebrow.

"I could ask you the same question," he pointed out. "Sorry, but aren't Watchers supposed to be these omega beasts of doom? Or do I just have to offer to kiss them to defeat them? Death by confusion?" Grian sighed.

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