Chapter Forty: False

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I procrastinated on this chapter SO MUCH, y'all have no idea.

WC: ~600


Getting to the stronghold wasn't a problem.

In fact, False would say that it was the easiest part of their mission.

A quick elytra flight in the Nether, and they were there.

Staring into the End portal.

False often thought she was odd for not feeling as much fear as she thought necessary.

Seeing the way Mumbo was wringing his hands, or the way the now-helmetless Xisuma was pacing, or the new nervousness in Iskall's laugh-

She sometimes wondered if her lack of fear was a blessing or a curse.

"Are we ready?" Xisuma asked. Collective nods from all over.

"Then let's go."

"Do we have a plan?" Ren checked.

"Yes," Xisuma replied. "Doc, Etho, False, and Iskall will lead. I'll direct, because I know where things are in the End. The rest of you will stay close and keep an eye out for any danger."

Seems like a solid plan.

Sort of.

But it was all they had time to do.

One by one, they began stepping into the End portal.

It's time.

False took a small, barely audible deep breath as she stepped forwards and let the cold overtake her.

False blinked as her head cleared from the sensation of the portal. Switching dimensions was not a fun process, but she shook off the empty feeling and stood up on wobbly legs.

Righting herself, she waited as the rest of the group got the hang of using their legs, then they all continued to the portal to the outer islands in silence. Their eyes darted nervously around the clearing, avoiding the endermen.

Don't focus on the mobs, False reminded herself. Focus on the slight glow of the broken rectangle that their masks have. Look for that glow, and then you'll know they're upon you.

The next few minutes were uneventful.

They traveled in silence, following Xisuma's lead with their swords drawn.

The same thoughts were echoing in False's head over and over.

We're facing the Watchers.

Don't do anything stupid.

Defend them at all costs.

Make sure no one dies.

Watchers perma-kill.

If they get a good hit on you, it's over.

So don't let them.

Jumping gives critical hits on players, what about Watchers?

Does anything I know in combat even help here?

False wasn't sure if what she was experiencing was worry, but it was certainly something similar.

Which was quite odd for her, but she dismissed it.

A little worry, who cares?

It was all fine, as long as no one got lost, kidnapped, severely injured, or died.

There are a lot of ways this could go wrong.


"Land over there," Xisuma's voice was hushed as he pointed to an End island. The Hermits all landed gracefully and silently (except Mumbo, who faceplanted), and waited for Xisuma to give further instructions.

"That End city," Xisuma whispered, pointing at a nearby structure. It was huge, a lot larger than your average End City, and, as Mumbo would say, 'not dinky'.

"That's basically the Watcher hive," the Watcher Admin continued. "Zena resides there, and the prisons are there too. Scar, invis?"

"We should equip it when we're inside," Scar advised. "Because of our limited supplies and because they only last so long." Xisuma nodded along.

"Alright, pass them out now, though," Xisuma requested, earning a nod from Scar who placed down a red shulker box.

Once they were all geared up and ready, the Hermits glided down to the End city.

Do we just... walk in?

I was wrong before.

This is a terrible plan.

Thankfully, Xisuma seemed to have a different plan.

He gestured at the others to take their invisibility potions, but right before they could,

The sound of footsteps.

A Watcher, staring at them through that mask.

One Watcher, standing right there.

False drew her sword.

Let the games begin.

The Hermits are in TROOOOOOOOOUBLE~


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