Chapter Five: Mumbo

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Take note that blocks are a measurement unit.

Offhand refers to the non-dominant hand. This is Minecraft after all.

If I could cry, I would've while writing this chapter. Probably.

WC: ~710


Mumbo woke up from his uneasy sleep to the sound of a yelp. Startled, the man pulled himself up to see Grian missing. 

What's going on? Mumbo wondered, shifting into a sitting position. The scream had been quick, and no more followed. But where was Grian?

Maybe he attacked someone, The thought came to Mumbo's mind like ice, a cold reality. And the reason there are no more screams is that he muffled them.

Or if the target is dead.

Mumbo slowly stood, shuddering throughout his entire body. Grian wouldn't have killed someone, right? Why would he wait until night, then? Until I was asleep...

The redstoner shook away the thought. He wouldn't dare think it, not until he was sure. Mumbo crept out of the dirt hut to see... not what he expected.

A huddled Grian sitting about fifty blocks away. His wings were wrapped around him, and the Watcher's body was softly shaking. As Mumbo silently came closer, he heard sobbing.

Is he... crying?

Sympathy flooded Mumbo's system, overpowering the all-too-familiar untrust.

"Grian?" The word was a knife, cutting through the thick silence. The Watcher froze, then looked behind him. Mumbo was taken aback by his face. Tearstained, all of the life drained from those violet eyes.

"Go away Mumbo, you don't have to see me like this," Grian mumbled, turning back around. Mumbo hesitated, then sat down next to the winged bundle. He didn't say anything, only put an arm around Grian and pulled him in. Grian gave a small sigh, then leaned into the hug.

"Want to talk?" Mumbo asked. Grian looked up at him with glassy eyes.

"Are you serious?" Grian muttered. "We've only known each other for a day. And not a very good day at that. I'm a Watcher, beings that rip servers to shreds. Why are you doing this?" Mumbo paused, all of Grian's points hitting a bit too close to his thoughts.

"I- I just don't like seeing you like this," Mumbo mumbled. "Watcher or not, I wouldn't want anyone to be in this state." Grian locked eye contact with Mumbo, shock in his eyes. He probably wasn't expecting me to accept him this fast.

'Accept him'.

Is that how I really feel?

Grian wrapped his arms and wings around Mumbo, encasing him in a firm hug. Mumbo smiled softly and hugged back. 

"But really, do you want to talk?" Mumbo asked again. "It helps." Grian hesitated, then pulled back.

"I just... I can't... I don't want to go back, okay?" Grian blurted, surprising Mumbo. "I'm going to have to go back to the Watchers and I know it. But I'm afraid, Mumbo. What will they do to me there? But it's not fair for me to dump myself here either. Not when you guys hate Watchers. I can't stay in either place, can I? And I don't know why I'm telling you this but it doesn't matter anyway because-" Grian took a deep breath.

"Because I am going back. I'll go to the End. They will be able to take me there." Mumbo was horrified.

"Grian, you can't go back," Mumbo told him, surprising both Grian and himself. "Maybe we can make things work here. Maybe you'll be able to stay! I... I want you to." Mumbo wasn't aware of this until he admitted it, but it felt right to say.

He really didn't want Grian to go back.


Mumbo pushed the question away, not really ready for it. Instead, he plucked a nearby blue flower from the ground and handed it to Grian. Grian took the flower and spun it in between in thumb and forefinger, a small smile growing on his face.

"Azure blue," Grian said softly, to no one in particular. Mumbo smiled and stood up, offering Grian a hand. Grian took it, gripping the stem of the flower tightly in his offhand. The two of them stood together for a moment, both silently replaying everything in their heads.

"Feeling better?" Mumbo asked. Grian nodded softly, staring at the flower in his hand. "Then let's go. The night isn't over yet." Grian followed Mumbo back to the dirt hut, trailing a bit behind. Mumbo heard Grian say one thing under his breath as they entered the house,

"Blue... just like him."

Okay, there might be some Grumbo. Actually, there will totally be some Grumbo. I CAN'T HELP MYSELF OKAY I'M SORRY.


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