Chapter Thirty-Four Point Five: Doc/Grian

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A half-chapter! Been a while since I've done one of these!

And another half perspective! I've done quite a few of these lately ahaha



It had been two days since Bdubs had come back.

That would be a good thing, Doc would say.

A very good thing.

If Keralis had woken up.

Bdubs hadn't moved for nearly the entire two days, except for the few hours that Doc could force him to self-care. 

But other than that?

Sitting at Keralis's side.


Doc was afraid that what he was waiting for would never come.

He didn't voice that opinion, though.

He didn't need to.

Because he was sure that Bdubs was thinking the exact same thing.

"Doc, I'm scared," Bdubs murmured one day. 

"About what?" he asked.

"Keralis won't wake up, will he?" the sadness in Bdubs's voice was suppressed.

"He probably will," Doc pointed out. "You did. Grian did. He's completely stable."

"You're right," Bdubs agreed, though he didn't sound convinced. 

"Just pour a glass of water on his face," Doc offered wistfully. "He'll wake up, then."

"Doc!" Bdubs exclaimed, jokingly horrified. "I couldn't do that! I have to save the water to pour on you!" 

The laughter was refreshing.

And then...

The smallest movement from Keralis.

Bdubs was up in an instant, by his best friend's side.

Keralis's eyes blinked once, twice, and the last time,

They stayed open.


POV Shift: Grian

Grian sighed as he passed the house where Bdubs, Doc, and Keralis were. He was terrified that Keralis wouldn't wake up, and what it would do to Bdubs.

Well, at least his other friend is there for him.

An idea struck Grian like lightning.

The voice.

It started all of this.

So if I contact it...

It might know what to do!!

Excitement filled Grian's veins as he bolted into his house in Hermitville. He sat down, pressed his hands to his forehead, and stepped into another (mental) world.

"Hello?" Grian sent out the voice. "Creepy-stalker voice? You here?"


Maybe he's not stalking me right now...

"Mystery voice, I need some help!" Grian sighed when there was silence.

Grian was about to leave, when,

Aha. There you are.



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