Chapter Forty-Four: Xisuma

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Redemption is coming to a close...

We're nearly done here.

WC: ~510 (oh, a normal Storm wordcount. carry on.)


They all stood in silence.

Grian was dead.


Gone forever.

A lost soul.

A fury burned in Xisuma's gut as he slowly turned back to Zena.

Or, at least, where Zena had been.

Xisuma glanced around, although all the other Hermits seemed to be frozen in place.

Staring at the spot where Grian had been.

He's gone.

Xisuma opened his mouth slowly. Something needed to be said.

"What now?"

All the Hermits turned to him, snapped out of their trance. Except Mumbo, who was still kneeling on the ledge of the End island, hand extended as if he were trying to grab Grian's. Iskall noticed, and went over to comfort Mumbo.

Although we both know that'll be no use.

"Where's Zena?" Stress asked, something cold in her voice.

"I- I don't know," Xisuma replied. "I think she... fled."

"Are you kidding me?" Doc snapped. "Seriously?"

"I doubt that," Xay mumbled. "She wasn't one to back down from a fight."

"'Wasn't'," Scar echoed, picking up on the tense. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not sure," Xay admitted. "She might've teleported away."

"Find her," Iskall practically growled. "She is not getting away with this." Xay nodded, then pressed his fingers to his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

Just like Grian used to do.

"I- I can't find her," Xay mumbled after a second. "That's impossible. Unless if she's... not in the End? Or... dead."

"Then that's it?" Mumbo's voice was shaky, but without stutters. Cold. "We just leave? Nothing else?"

"I... think that how it'll have to be," Xay murmured. "I hate it just as much as you all do, but he'll be remembered. In your server. There's nothing more for you all here."

"What about everyone in the End?" Xisuma asked, silently wondering how he was able to think straight. "Zena was the ruler for all the Watchers, we can't just leave them clueless and without anyone."

A moment of silence.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Xay finally realized.

"You're qualified," Xisuma pointed out. "I think."

"No, I'm not!" Xay yelped. "This is a bad idea, 'Suma."

"Well, it's all we got," Xisuma replied swiftly. "We're... heading back to Hermitcraft, I guess?"

Nods from all around.

It wasn't until they got home and saw Hermitville that the realization hit.

Grian's gone.

He's dead and not coming back.

The news shocked everyone who wasn't allowed to come.

And everyone had different reactions.

Tears were spilled by many.

No one could truly comprehend it.

They had won.

The Watchers would never attack them again.

All of the Hermits had returned.

Except one.

Xisuma took a deep breath as he entered the Hermit's now-abandoned house. Villager Grian was still there, and evidently careless. Xisuma decided to leave him there. The flash of light on material caught his attention. Turning towards it, the Admin's breath caught as he noticed the object.

The mask-throwing stars.

Xisuma picked them up, fresh tears filling his eyes.

He broke away from the Watchers so long ago.

Once with the Watchers, then with us,

Then killed by them.

Is that just... it?

The end of his story?

Xisuma pressed his lips together.

This chapter is over.

What does that mean for the rest of us?

Xisuma dropped the mask-throwing stars in realization.

The Admin pulled up a setting on his communicator.

Yes, it was time.

Season Seven it is.



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