Enmity Arc Chapter 48: The War Has Just Begun

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After learning about General Ironwood's plan to abandon Mantle, your team and friends decided it was time to get out of Atlas. You were stopped when flying through Mantle by the Happy Huntresses. They allowed you to stay and lay low since you all were wanted fugitives. Except for 21 who is reported missing instead of being a fugitive. Ruby and Weiss had left with Maria to look for Oscar and are just now coming back to the hideout. 

Joanna comes into the room a few minutes later and informs everyone that she and the rest of the huntsmen and huntresses need help evacuating all of Mantle to the slums so that they can be protected a lot easier. She leaves and you get up from your seat. You walk to the door to go to the top of the building.

Blake: Where are you going? *she says in a concerned tone*

You: *you look back at her* I'm just stepping outside for a bit. 

You open the door and walk up the staircase. Once you're outside, you lean against the wall the door is on. You look out into the distance and see the giant storm cloud with all the grimm flying around it. As lightning strikes the ground, you see the silhouette of the Monstra within the clouds. You clench your fists tightly as know that helping out Mantle and all of Remnant will be much harder now. After a few minutes, you hear the door open. You turn around and see Jaune, 21, Ruby, and Blake. 

You: Hey guys.

Ruby: Hey, Sunchock. We have come up with a plan.

You: What's the plan?

Jaune: Ren, Yang, Oscar and I are going to help down here in Mantle. 21 is going to take Maria and Pietro to Amity Colosseum.

You: *you look at Blake and Ruby* What about you two?

Ruby: Me, Blake, Nora, Penny, and Weiss are going to the military compound to get clearance from General Ironwood so we can launch Amity and speak to all of Remnant. 

You: What about me?

21: We think it's best if you go with Jaune's group.  

You: *you look at Blake* Why can't I go with them?

21: I know about your relationship with Blake. But it's smarter if we go with the groups Jaune suggested. 

Blake: I don't like being separated again just as much as you do. But... *she sighs* we need to if we're to stop Salem.

Ruby: Penny is the winter maiden now, we'll be fine.

21: I can take care of Maria and Pietro myself. Jaune's group is going to need help down here in Mantle.

You: *you sigh* Okay, I'll stay down here. 

All of you go downstairs back to the room where you all were in. Jaune lets you know that you and him need to hurry to catch up with Yang, Oscar, and Ren. Before you leave, Blake goes to you and hugs you tightly. She also kisses you before you go. Once she let's go, you reassure her that you will return to her once everything in Atlas and Mantle is over. You and Jaune then leave to catch up with Yang, Ren, and Oscar. You two then run through an alleyway that makes it quicker to reach Pietro's pharmacy. When running through, you both see the others. The three of them turn to you two.

Yang: There you two are. 

Jaune: Thanks for waiting. Is something at the pharmacy?

Ren: Just a couple of grimm. 

Yang: We don't have much time to waste. Let's get moving and help out everyone in the closest sector. 

You and the rest of the group nod and follow Yang to the pharmacy. You and Yang take out the grimm that were outside of the pharmacy. Oscar looks through the window and sees a few drones inside guarding the pharmacy.

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