Unity Arc Chapter 10: Two Battles and The Upcoming Dance

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As the robot starts walking towards you and your team, you are all ready to start fighting. However, you are all waiting for Ruby to give a command.

Ruby: Freezerburn!

You, Blake and Ruby back away as Yang jumps up and Weiss freezes the ground beneath her. Weiss then jumps back with you, Ruby and Blake while Yang punches the ice and uses he shot gauntlets to create mist all around the Robot. This made it harder for it to see where you five are. Yang jumps into the mist with you all and awaits Ruby's orders.

Ruby: Sunchock, jump from pillar to pillar and hit it as much as you can. The rest of us will distract it down here by running around it in the mist.

You: Got it! *you run towards a pillar*

Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang start to run around the robot while staying in the mist so that the robot gets confused. You start to run up the pillar and turn Super Saiyan. You jump off and hit the side of the robot with your power pole. You enter back into the mist, and the robot gets distracted by your team again. With them doing that, your able to keep jumping from pillar to pillar and hitting the robot repeatedly. 

After a few hits, the robot hits you and you bounce off a concrete pillar. You are immediately back into your base form and you seem to remember something. Once you are on the ground, you get a flashback of when you were a baby. 


You hear people screaming and explosions coming from outside of your house. You are being carried by your mother to another room. You are then placed into a small pod, she tucks a note into the blanket that you are wrapped in. You see your father come into the room holding the power pole that you normally use.

Father: Here you go son. *he unwraps the blanket and puts the power pole into your hands*

Mother: *she is crying* I wish we didn't have to do this, but we have to. I'm...I'm so sorry my little warrior. *she hugs you one last time before placing you back in the pod*

You: *sounding like a baby* Mama...papa *you reach for them*

Father: *he holds one of your hands* We will always be with you son. Remember that, and be an amazing warrior for us. *he then lets go of your hand*

Mother and father: We love you...Sunchock.

The door of the pod starts closing. Once it is closed, you start to cry as you reach for your parents. Calling to them as your mother buries her head into your fathers chest. He hugs her and you are then launched into space. You cry loudly as you see the planet explode once you are past the moon of your planet. After a few minutes of crying, the pods auto pilot speaks and the hyperdrive function activates. You move at incredible speed and fall asleep. 

The pod starts to shake and slow down, causing you to wake up. You suddenly crash into the ground and start crying, the pod door opens up and you see two young ladies approach and lift you up.

Woman 1: *she is holding you* Oh my. It's a baby.

Woman 2: He looks perfectly fine, other than the fact that he has a tail. *she points at your tail which is sticking out of the blanket*

Woman 1: He might be a faunus.

Woman 2: *she is holding your power pole* Well, we can't leave him here. Let's take him back to the orphanage with us.

Woman 1: *she nods and looks at you* I wonder if he has a-oh. There is a letter. *she grabs it and hands it to the other woman*

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