Judgment Arc Chapter 1: A late Arrival

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Play the song above as an intro (Most likely the only Dragon Ball opening I'll use)

You have been in an orphanage since you could remember and finally the day has come, your first day at Beacon. However, it seems that you are running a bit late.

You: No, no, no! I can't miss the first day *You are running as fast as you can, you are carrying your backpack and suitcase full of your clothes and stuff you brought from home along with your weapon*

You see that the Air Bus leaving and you stop

You: No! *You see female worker and walk up to her* Excuse me, when will the next Air Bus be leaving to Beacon.

Female Worker: Oh, were you late to get on. I'm sorry, but there are no more Air Buses going to Beacon today. There will be a Cargo Airship leaving to drop off some stuff tomorrow. Let me go see if you can ride over on that.

She leaves for a few minutes and comes back holding a ticket, and hands it to you.

Female Worker: Good news, you can ride over there tomorrow. *smiling* You will have talk to Professor Ozpin once you get there. I took the liberty in calling him to let him know that you'd be late.

You: *You grab the ticket and smile* Thank you very much. What time does it leave?

Female Worker: It will be leaving at noon and won't arrive till around 3 p.m.

You: Thanks again *You leave and go find a place to stay until tomorrow*

Timeskip: tomorrow at 11:50 a.m.

You: *You arrive just in time and get on board before stopped by a male worker*

Male worker: Just hang out in here and don't do anything reckless. Got it! *he says in a demanding way*

You: Yes sir, I promise nothing bad will happen *you say a bit nervously*

Male Worker: Good! *he stomps away into another room*

During the 3 hour wait, you take the time to clean and make any improvements to you weapon. Whether it's faster or more durable. You try hard to make it better than it already is. When there is a hour left, you make sure you have everything you need, until you see a small package at the bottom of your backpack. You open it and you see a letter and read it. It's from the people at the orphanage and they left you a letter. You read it and you get tears of joy then see a weird orange orb with three red stars. You pick it up and examine it, wondering if it does anything.

Male Worker: *he comes into the room you're in* Hey kid.

You: *you're startled and stuff the orb and put the letter in your pocket* Y-Yes sir.

Male Worker: You might wanna come see this *He leaves the room*

You: *you grab your backpack and suitcase and follow the worker*

The worker stops at the control room of the ship and points to a huge school.

Male Worker: There is Beacon. *he points at it*

You: Whoa! *you are in awe and can't take your eyes off of it*

Male Worker: We will be arriving shortly. I suggest you wait by the doors until we arrive.

You: Right *you nod and make your way towards the doors*

You stand near the doors for what seems like forever. In the mean time, you take the orange orb out and look at it some more. You are still fascinated and confused on why you have it and why the orphanage gave it to you. After a while, the doors open you hop off and head towards Beacon. You walk and hear a lot of people talking and clapping. You follow the sounds and make your way towards the building and enter it, following the sounds of the people. You make your way towards the Amphitheater. As you enter, you watch as Team JNPR
and RWBY were the last two teams announced.

Ozpin: *he sees you walk in and stand against a wall and holding your luggage* Hello there, you must be Sunchock. Am I right?

Everyone stops talking and cheering. They look at you confused, wondering if you were well known or just someone the Professor Ozpin knew.

You: Y-Yes. Yes, I am Sunchock *you say a little embarrassed due to Ozpin pretty much calling you out*

Ozpin: Well then, welcome to Beacon. Due to you being the last to arrive and, there are no other new students to put you in a team with. *he looks at the new teams that were just announced, then back at you* You may choose a team to join, and your, initiation, will begin from there.

You: *you nod as a staff member goes and grabs your luggage, but you hold on to your weapon* Alright then.

You walk up to where Ozpin is and look at the new teams. You can overhear someone from Team CRDL talk about your tail and say something bad about you, so you choose to avoid that team. After looking at the other teams, you've narrowed it down to two teams. Team JNPR and Team RWBY, having a tough decision to make.

Ozpin: Have you decided on a Team? *He looks at you*

You: Yeah, I have *you say confidently and walk towards Team RWBY* I choose Team RWBY *you smile confidently when approaching them*

Ozpin: You won't be joining them just yet *he stands in between you and Team RWBY*

You: What do you mean? *confused*

Ozpin: The way you will get into Team RWBY, is to fight all four members back to back. *he looks at you* With no time to rest, so you better pace yourself and take it slow. *he walks away* Or you might be kicked out of Beacon.

You: *you are shocked by what Ozpin said and look at Team RWBY, all four of them have confident looks on their faces* Then I won't lose * you say confidently*

End of Chapter 1

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