Awakening Arc Chapter 47: The Start of an Invasion

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After finding out that General Ironwood was abandoning Mantle, you were going to make your way to Atlas to try and stop this from happening. However, you were stopped by two androids that were sent by General Ironwood. During the fight, Dr. Gero had stopped all three of you from continuing the fight. You, Android 18, and Android 17 are looking at Dr. Gero now that she just interrupted the fight. 

Dr. Gero lowers her hand after firing a few ki spheres in between the three of you. She then walks towards all of you, pushing her glasses up while having a serious look on her face. Android 17 and 18 slowly float down to the ground in the middle of the street.

17: I didn't think you'd stop this fight Doctor.

Dr. Gero: I had to, I can't let you all destroy the city.

18: Are you helping us, or are you interfering with our chance of having our freedom?

Dr. Gero: I figured that's what he promised you. So I'm helping you. After all, we androids stick together. *she smirks as she walks in between you three*

You: Android? You mean to tell me...

Dr. Gero: Yes, that's right. I'm an android. Specifically, Android 21.

You: And what about those two. *you look at 17 and 18*

21: They are Androids 17 and 18. Twins that me and my husband worked on. 

She stands in front of you and points her finger at you, a small amount of pink energy appears at the tip of her finger. You take a step back and get into your fighting stance. 

21: Nothing personal. I've wanted 17 and 18 to be set free for a long time. And I know General Ironwood needs help protecting Atlas. Just come with us to Atlas and...

She turns her head to Android 17 and notices that he his aiming a ki sphere at her. 

21: And why are you doing this, 17?

17: Because, you're a horrible liar. 

Android 21 then stops aiming the pink energy at you then clenches her fist.

21: That is true. I am.

She then punches 17 quickly, sending him crashing into the wall of a building. 18 then tries to kick 21, but her foot is caught. 21 then slams 18 to the ground before throwing her into 17. She then turns to you and smiles.

21: Sorry about that. I'm not used to doing these sorts of things.

You: I can see that. I didn't think you would be an android.

21: I kept it a secret, even from General Ironwood. If he found out me and my husband had successfully done this, who knows what would've happened. 

You: What do you...?

A ki sphere flies past both of you. Both of you turn and see 17 and 18 getting up.

21: I'll explain later. For right now, we need to stop them.

You see her close her eyes and a pink energy surrounds her. It eventually covers her entire body and it blinds you momentarily. When you open your eyes, you see that Android 21 transformed.  


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