Reunion Arc Chapter 24: The Start of a Revolution

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It is now night time of the same day that Ghira notified you, Blake, and Sun about Adam Taurus' upcoming attack on the leader of the White Fang. You all had just spoken to Corsac and Fennec about what had happened with Ilia and they had denied everything about what she had done. All of you then head back to the Belladonna Mansion, angry about what you all had found out. Both Sun and Ghira shove one of the front doors wide open in anger. Kali is right behind them while you and Blake are right behind all of them by yourselves.

Ghira: Unbelievable!

Sun: Total garbage!


Kali: Well, at least you two can finally agree on something.

They look at each other. Sun laughs and Ghira just growls.

Blake: Guys.

You and Blake walk up the stairs. 

Blake: Everything's going to be okay.

Blake then goes upstairs, leaving you all together.

Ghira: Do you think it will, Sunchock?

You: I've trusted Blake since the day I met her. And I still do.

Ghira, Kali, and Sun smile at you after what you just said. You all then go to the bedrooms to sleep. Ghira however stays up to work on his speech for tomorrow.

The next day, all of you are waiting near the front entrance of the mansion. Ghira reads his speech over and over again. He eventually stops and sighs heavily. Kali then goes to him and places her hand on his shoulder.

Kali: Are you ready?

Ghira: Yes. It won't be easy for the people to hear, but the truth often isn't. I know they'll do the right thing.

Blake then goes to Ghira and rests her head on his arm for a bit before Sun places his hand on his other shoulder.

Sun: You got this.

Ghira opens the doors and you all walk outside together. Once you are all on the podium, Ghira holds his hand up to silence the crowd.

Ghira: Thank you all for assembling here. I wanted to take time to address some of the rumors that have been circling around our island. I believe that it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth. No matter how you feel about the human race, I think we can all agree that the event now known as the Fall of Beacon was a tragedy. A tragedy that will set both man and Faunus-kind back. While the main aggressor is still unknown, we do have official reports that Adam Taurus... the leader of a powerful splinter group working inside the White Fang, was partially responsible for these attacks. His actions not only tarnished the reputation of an organization originally created to bring peace and equality to all, but to our entire race. With each day that this remains unpunished, it becomes increasingly difficult to condemn those that look down upon us.

You see the people in the crowd talk to each other about what Ghira is saying. You also see Corsac and Fennec continuing to have their hands together while also looking down with their eyes closed. Ghira then raises his hand to silence the crowd once again.

Ghira: Recently, a spy from the splinter group set their sights on this very home. My own daughter Blake, her... boyfriend, and one of their friends did their very best to apprehend this individual. While they were unsuccessful after being assaulted and seriously injured, they were successful in obtaining the assailant's scroll. *he takes out the scroll* With this, we have been able to ascertain that Adam Taurus has plans to overthrow the current leader of the White Fang, Sienna Khan, and take over the reins himself.

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