Enmity Arc Chapter 50: Even More Problems

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After losing Oscar, you, Jaune, Yang, and Ren barely survived the tundra and hung out at an outpost until the sun came back up. However, the four of you had to now leave early since a river of grimm was heading straight for Mantle and Atlas. Yang, Jaune, and Ren were riding on the bike back to Mantle while you were flying back in your super saiyan rose form. Jaune had an open comms broadcast to inform anyone nearby that grimm were heading to the cities. 

You: Anything yet Jaune?

Jaune: Not yet, we just need to hurry and maybe people can hear the broadcast.

You then look back up and see an airship in the distance flying towards you all. You then fly past your friends and then land on the ground, returning to your base form as the airship lands in front of you. When the door opens, you see Winter, Elm, Vine, and Harriet standing there looking down at you. Yang and the others are now beside you, and she isn't happy to see them. 

Yang: Great, you guys.

Jaune: Did you hear our message? It's right there. We need to hurry. 

Harriet: Where's Penny?

Jaune: Are you serious right now? There are people in danger. 

Harriet: There are people in danger because you kids are acting selfish and-

The ground starts to shake as the river of grimm creates a geyser that breaks the hardlight shield protecting Atlas. Grimm start to crawl towards the pillars that were activating the shield and destroy them, causing Atlas to be vulnerable as the Monstra that Oscar was taken into lands on Atlas. 

Yang: Sunchock, go...now!

You nod at Yang the turn around and fly off, but Harriet runs in front of you and punches you back, turning you to look at the Ace-Ops. Harriet then runs back next to them.

Marrow: Stay!

You and your friends are unable to move. Harriet then walks to you, ready to cuff you. 

Harriet: None of you are going anywhere. You're going straight back to General Ironwood and he'll decide what is going to happen to you. 

You look up at Harriet and then cause the pink flames to surround your eyes, this catches her and the Ace-Ops off guard as you transform into your super saiyan rose form. You then release your energy so that it knocks Harriet back and causes you to break free from Marrow's semblance. You then get up and fly away from them, heading straight for the giant grimm. 

As you're flying to the grimm, you see that all of the Atlas Army was starting to fight the giant grimm. You see that it was releasing the same liquid in the river, causing more grimm to come out and attack. You then fly above the grimm and fire a lot of ki spheres, making sure to only hit the grimm and none of the members of the Atlas army. You take out a lot of the grimm, making it easier on the army as you see some of them stop and look at you. You then fly a bit closer to the giant grimm and place your hands together, charging up your energy into one spot and creating a big ki sphere in your hands. You then aim it up and shoot it into the sky. 

As it slows down, it explodes. Ki spheres, the same size as the one you shot up, rain down like a meteor shower on the grimm. You then fly down as the giant grimm raises its head and roars in pain. You then fly to the side of it and see there is a way in. You then land on what looked like a landing pad then revert to your base form. You see a small airship when you. As you're about to walk in, you're scroll goes off and you see General Ironwood is calling. You answer it and hear him speak.

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