Halloween Special

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This story takes place during the first semester for Team RWBYS, and begins in their dorm. Today was Ruby Rose's birthday and everyone within the dorm is about to find out soon enough. 

Sunchock was waking up in his bed that was delivered from Beacon about a week ago. When he wakes up, he notices Weiss walking out of the bathroom and already dressed in her combat skirt. 

You: Good morning, Weiss. *he says while rubbing his eyes*

Weiss: Good morning, Sunchock. 

You: Looks like you and me are the only ones up right now.

Weiss: Nope. Yang isn't in her bed. I don't know where she is or where she went. 

You: That's odd. Normally she is one of the last of us that wakes up.

A few second later, Yang kicks down the door to your team's dorm while holding a big cake with red icing on it and a lot of candles on top of it. The loud crash of the door hitting the wall causes Ruby to wake up and fall on to the floor while also causing Blake to wake up yelling. 

Ruby: Ouch.

Blake: Yang! What was that for?

Yang: Happy Birthday, Ruby!

Ruby then stands up quickly and has the most happiest face possibly imaginable. 

Ruby: Oh my gosh, I completely forgot my birthday was today. 

Ruby then runs to Yang and hugs her, causing Yang to hold the cake above her head. Ruby then lifts Yang up and down while still hugging her. 

Ruby: Thank you, Yang!

Yang: You're welcome Ruby. Put me down before I drop the... *she then drops the cake*

Weiss then uses one of her glyphs to catch the cake and prevent it from hitting the ground. 

Ruby: Oops, sorry.

Yang: It's alright. Nice catch Weiss.

Weiss: You two really need to calm down. Other than that, happy birthday Ruby.

You: Yeah, happy birthday Ruby. *you get out of bed*

Blake: Happy birthday Ruby.

Yang: Wait, you didn't tell her already. 

Blake: This is the first we've heard about it being Ruby's birthday.

Yang: I sent you all a text about it a few weeks ago.

You: We never got a text from you at all.

Yang then takes out her scroll to search for the text message she sent to you all. She finds it and then chuckles a bit.

Yang: My bad, I forgot to hit send. 

She then taps her scroll and everyone gets her message. You open your scroll and also see that in the group message that Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora, and Ren were also in the group chat as well. You all then hear banging and foot stomping across the hallway. You then see them all come out in their combat uniforms. They stand outside of the entrance to your dorm, panting and smiling. 

Pyrrha: Happy...

Jaune: ...birthday...

Ren: ... Ruby.

Nora: Woo! *she spins with her arms up outside of your dorm room then falls to the ground*

You all look at Nora and Ruby the giggles a bit at Nora. 

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