Judgment Arc Chapter 5: First Day at Beacon

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You enter your dorm with the rest of Team RWBY, it's a pretty big room and there are only four beds. You see that your luggage and backpack are leaned against a wall. You go over to the back pack and look through your stuff, while overhearing your teammates talking to each other.

Weiss: There are only four beds and we now have a fifth team mate. What are we going to do?

Blake: *she looks at you* Well, our new teammate needs a bed more than we do. 

Yang: Blake's right. He's to hurt right now to share a bed or sleep on the floor.

Weiss: *she looks at Ruby* Then let's vote on it. I nominate Ruby.

Ruby: What! Why me? *she sounds upset* 

Weiss: *she is annoyed at Ruby* Calm down, it's just one vote. 

An argument starts to erupt between them as you find that same orange orb with the three red starts on it, still wondering why you were given it. You then stop thinking about it when the argument gets louder and it seems like Team RWBY is about to fight each other.

You: *you raise your voice so that they can hear you* You four can get the beds!

They stop arguing and look at you in confusion.

Weiss: I'm sorry, what did you just say?

You: *you look at the orb more and speak to them* I said you four can get the beds. I'll be fine.

Ruby: We can't do that, your badly hurt. Remember.

You: Yeah I know. *you look at them* I'll be fine. I just need to not lean against my bad arm.

Weiss: Yeah, no. You are too hurt right now to be sleeping on the floor. I refuse to let you. *she says seriously*

Yang: Weiss is right, you won't feel any better in the morning. 

You: I don't want to fight you all over this. *you look back at the orb again*

Ruby: What is that ball in your hand? 

You: I don't know, the orphanage I was in put this in my backpack before I left.

Blake: *she looks at the orb in your hand* C-Can I see it? 

You: *you walk over and hand it to her and watch as she examines it*

Weiss: You're an orphan? *she asks feeling bad for you*

You simply nod and everyone goes silent. Blake looks back at the orb after knowing you were an orphan. 

Weiss: I...I am sorry to hear that. *she sounds sad*

You: It's alright *you exhale heavily* Look, I'll be fine sleeping on the floor. 

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang look at each other then back at you.

Weiss: I guess if your fine with it, we won't fight you anymore. *she turns around and walks towards her bed*

Yang and Ruby turn around and head towards their beds as well. Blake approaches you and hands you the orb back. You grab it and she walks towards her bed. You put the orb back into your backpack. 

You: *you sit in corner of the room and rest your head against a wall, your eyes slowly closing* Goodnight.

Ruby: Goodnight Sunchock. *she says tiredly*

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