Timeline Arc Chapter 30: An Unpleasant Family Reunion

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After arriving in a new timeline, you and Blake had met the Qrow of that timeline. You, Blake, Zelda, and Qrow are walking through the forest to head over to the camp that Qrow, Raven, and Yang had set up after fighting Cinder and her crew.

Zelda: How much further Qrow?

Qrow: Not that much longer. Don't expect it to be something too fancy. We had to work with what we got.

Zelda: I understand.

Blake: How long has this been going on?

Qrow: A few weeks really. Atlas and its academy was the most recent attack. That was only a few days ago.

You: What about the maidens? 

Qrow: Raven is the last one, other than Cinder of course. Cinder has three of the maidens powers, so not only do we need to stop Cinder and her crew, we need to protect Raven as well.

You: Yeah, we should do that.

You all see a giant family size tent in the distance. 

Qrow: Like I said it's not much. Yang found it after her house went down.

Zelda: Well...it is better than nothing.

You all start walking towards the tent. You all stop a few yards away from the tent, except for Qrow. He goes to the entrance of the tent.

Qrow: Yang, Raven. I'm back, and I found the girl...along with some backup.

Raven and Yang come out of the tent.

Raven: That's good we are going to...what is wrong with you?!

Yang raises her fists up and Raven draws out her sword as they both look at you, consumed by rage and anger. 

Raven: Did you seriously bring the person responsible for all these attacks?!

Qrow: Look he isn't...

Yang: He isn't the same person before, Qrow! He is evil!

You: I'm not evil, I'm...

Raven: A heartless sociopath.

You: No, I didn't do anything.

Yang: Yeah right. You destroyed everything. Killed our friends, our teammates, your family.

Blake: Yang! He didn't do any of that.

Yang: *she looks at Blake and is shocked* B-Blake...is that...you?

Blake: Yeah, it's me.

Yang: I... *she then goes to Blake and hugs her* ...I missed you.

Blake: *she hugs Yang back*

Raven: *she puts her sword up and looks at Qrow and Zelda* You two better explain right now.

Qrow: Sure, but let's get a fire going. It's almost dark out.

Raven: Fine, I'll find some food for all of us to eat. 

Raven and Qrow then leave to gather wood for the fire and something to cook. A few hours later, everyone is sitting around the fire. Everyone has finished eating, and is still silent since no one wanted to talk the whole time. Raven, Yang and Qrow sat across from you, Blake and Zelda. A few minutes later, Raven is the first to say something. Only it wasn't towards you, it was towards Zelda.

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