??? Arc Chapter 28: What?

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POV: No one's

An Atlas airship is seen leaving Menagerie. Winter of course is piloting the airship as a girl in a black hoodie with to ninja swords on her back sits next to her. Both of them are silent, until Winter decides to break the ice and start up a conversation.

Winter: Are you nervous about all of this?

The hooded girl remains silent, only glancing at Winter. It seems like she doesn't want to talk at all.

Winter: Okay, why don't you want to speak? Ghira and Kali Belladonna trusted me to take you, so why don't you want to talk?

Hooded girl: Maybe because I'm scared of fighting these threats. An unknown figure that can destroy everything and a power hungry maiden that now has all but one of the four maidens powers and two idiots that follow her.

Winter: Well those idiots aren't that scary. The other two are though. 

Hooded girl: So, why are you doing this? Two of the kingdoms have fallen and I'm sure a third is about to fall.

Winter: I lost my family to the ones that did those horrible things. So I'm going to avenge my family or die trying. 

Hooded girl: Guess we do have something in common. I lost my parents to those people. *she looks out of the window of the airship* So, where are we going?

Winter: We are going to Anima, and are visiting the Branwen Tribe.

Hooded girl: Why? They might kill us, or contain us.

Winter: They might, but Raven stole something from my family. She is also the last maiden that hasn't been killed by Cinder. If we can come to some sort of agreement with her, then we might be able stop them.

Hooded girl: If you say so. 

Winter flies the airship towards Anima. After a while, she sees a tribe surrounded by a barricade around their camp. She lands just a few feet away from camp then looks at the hooded girl.

Winter: If they ask, give them your weapon. We need them to know that we aren't attacking them.

Hooded girl: And if they kill us?

Winter: They won't, I'm a Schnee. So to them, I'm like a jackpot.

The side door opens and about thirteen bandits have their weapons out and aimed at them. 

Bandit 1: Hand over your weapons. Now!

Winter and the hooded girl takes out their weapons and hand them over to the bandit. The bandits then tie up Winter and the hooded girl's hands before taking them to their camp. They lead them to the biggest tent of the camp, where Raven comes out with her mask on. She then takes it off and sets it on a box right near the entrance.

Raven: Untie them, but keep their weapons!

Two bandits walk up to them and untie them before stepping away and rejoining the other bandits.

Raven: I know that a Schnee wouldn't just hand herself to us, so why are you here?

Winter: I'm sure you heard about the attacks all around Remnant. You are the last maiden standing, so we are here to ask for your help in-

Raven: Stop! I'm not going to help with these problems.

Winter: Cinder has three of the maidens powers.

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