Forgotten Arc Chapter 23: An Unpleasant Reunion

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It has been a few hours after Corsac and Fennec of the White Fang showed up at the Belladonna's house. You and Blake had spent a little time together before she said that she wanted to speak to her father for a bit. You then decided to explore Menagerie for a bit. You arrive back and make your way throughout the house. You eventually run into Sun, who was talking with Kali for a bit. He then tells you that he told her about your team and all of the adventures that you had. He then leaves to go do something. Kali then walks out of the room and sees you just as Sun leaves.

Kali: Sunchock, may I speak with you?

You: Sure.

You two enter what looks like a living room or a lounge, it's hard to tell really. You two sit across from each other as Kali serves you a cup of tea.

You: What did you want to talk about Mrs. Belladonna?

Kali: Oh, you don't need to call me that. You are dating my daughter, so you can call me and Ghira by our names.

You: Okay then.

Kali: As for what we are going to talk about. I want to know if what Sun said was true. You were on Blake's team at Beacon?

You: We were. I had arrived late, so I had to beat Team RWBY to enter and then I ended up on their team.

Kali: Beat? You mean you fought my daughter when you first met?

You then start to get very nervous, wondering if she will be angry with you as you remember the fight.

You: Yes... only I didn't hit her at all. I just dodged and pushed her off the stage. She did hit me a few times during that fight.

Kali then giggles and smiles before taking a sip of her tea.

Kali: It's nice to hear that you didn't hurt her, but it wouldn't have been much of a problem. She can take care of herself just fine. Besides, me and Ghira fought each other a lot before we started dating. 

You: Really? *you say as you are shocked and a bit confused by what she said*

Kali: Of course. Plus you two were at a school to become a huntsman and huntress, so fighting over there is only natural.

You: I guess you're right. 

Kali: *she giggles again before asking another question* Did you two start dating after the fight?

You: No, we were just teammates and then friends right after the fight.

Kali: Then, when did you two start dating?

You: A little after the dance in the second semester and before the Vytal Festival.

Kali: So you two have been dating for a while then.

You simply nod.

Kali: Well, I'm glad you and Blake met. You just promise to take care of her when you two are out on missions or whatever.

You: *you smile and nod again* I will.

After your conversation with Kali, you hear a slapping noise upstairs. You make your way upstairs and see Sun trying to explain something to Blake.

You: Did I miss something?

They both turn to you.

Sun: Yeah, Blake's mom said the White Fang members in Menagerie don't wear masks. Yet, I saw one in the market yesterday. I even have a picture. *he takes out his scroll*

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