Part 1

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Beomgyu POV
I wake up for school I honestly don't feel like going to a new school because than I have to make new friends. Oh I'm gay and my parents know and they support me and plus I had 2 boyfriends at my old school but they just weren't for me so I broke up with them. I hopefully the kids are nice at this school.

My friend Yeonjun and his boyfriend go to my new school so I will have them to hang out with. Well I better get ready for school. I go to the bathroom to wash up than I get in the shower. After about 20 minutes I get out of the shower and put on my uniform and go downstairs to eat breakfast with my parents. After another 20 minutes I finish my breakfast and put my plate in the sink and say bye to my parents and head off to school. After 10 minutes of walking I finally reach my new school and go to the office to get my schedule. Hello are you Beomgyu one of the lady's in the office ask. Yes that's me I say with a smile. Alright here is your schedule she says. Okay thank you I say. Your welcome the lady says.

I go find my first class and sit behind a boy with red hair but he was asleep I guess this is his first class to. But I end up staring at him for a while he is really cute. After about 15 minutes students start coming into the class and I wake up the red haired boy in front of me. He wakes up and says thank you in a shy way he is so cute I smiled at him. Soon the teacher comes in. Hello class today we have a new student Mr.Choi come introduce yourself please. I get up and go to the front of the class hello my name is Choi Beomgyu it is nice to meet all of you I say with a little smile and than I go back to my seat.

Taehyun POV
So his name is Beomgyu nice but I don't really care. I just want to get this day over with. After about an hour the bell rings signaling that it is lunch time I pack my stuff and leave the classroom and go to the rooftop. I just like it up here it is so peaceful and quiet. I soon here the door open I just ignore whoever came up here. Hey Taehyun I turn around to see who is talking to me. Can I help you I ask. Well Um so you see I've liked you for sometime now and I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me the girl asks. Um no thank you I hope you have a good day though I say to her. And she ran away crying but do I care not really. You see I'm gay but I don't show it my parents can't know because there will never accept me. So I just keep it to myself. The bell rings again signaling that lunch is over. So come down from the rooftop and go to my next class which is chemistry.

I get to my seat in next to the window in the back of the class. Hey Taehyun Jungmo says. Hey I say with a small smile. So I heard you rejected someone again Jungmo says. Yeah I did what about it I ask. Oh no reason why don't you date anyone Taehyun Jungmo says. Jungmo you are the only person I've told to that I'm gay and you know why I won't date anyone I say. Okay I do but like come on aren't you lonely and plus that was a few months ago Taehyun Jungmo says I said I don't want to Jungmo now leave it alone please I says tears start rolling down my face. Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to trigger the memory Jungmo says and immediately pulls me into his embrace. Shhh it's okay I'm here Jungmo says and kisses my forehead I bury my face in his chest trying to calm down a bit.

Beomgyu POV
I went into chemistry and I see that red haired boy I wonder what his name is. I saw that he has tears rolling down his face. The boy he was talking to immediately got up and hugged him and whispered in his ear trying to calm him down. I wonder is that guy he is with his boyfriend. But than the guy that was hugging him kissed him on his forehead now I'm wondering if they are dating or not maybe they are close friends or something.

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