Part 25

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Hey Jungmo can I talk to you Suhyun ask? Yeah sure Jungmo says. Okay well you know how Beomgyu and Taehyun and the guards are moving into apartments Suhyun says. Yeah why Jungmo ask? Well I don't want Taehyun to go I want him to stay here I love his company and when he is around I don't feel alone. Jungmo please don't let Taehyun leave Suhyun says. You know Beomgyu would never leave Taehyun and wherever Taehyun goes Beomgyu will always be right by his side. I can't make them stay if they want to leave they will leave but you can go visit them anytime you want Suhyun Jungmo says.

Okay thank you Jungmo Suhyun says. Yeah your welcome Jungmo says and walks away. So you want my Angel to stay here with you Beomgyu says. You heard what I said Suhyun says a little scared. Yes I did hear you and I'm upset Beomgyu says with his arms crossed over his chest.

I know that Taehyun won't stay so there is really no point in me asking him Suhyun says. Okay Beomgyu says. Hey Beomie Taehyun says and pecks Beomgyu's lips. Hello my love, so we move into our apartment tomorrow are you excited Beomgyu says. Yes I am I have to finish packing the rest of my stuff today though. Beomie have you packed all your stuff Taehyun ask? Yes and I am almost finished packing Beomgyu says. Okay Taehyun says. Hey Tyun how about we go out for ice cream later Beomgyu says. Okay Taehyun says with a smile.

Okay than my love Beomgyu says and wraps his arms around Taehyun's waist and kisses his neck. Come on Beomie let's go finish packing Taehyun says and kisses Beomgyu on the cheek. Okay my love Beomgyu says and they go to their room to finish packing.

Hey why is Taehyun and Beomgyu packing up all their stuff Yunseong ask Suhyun? Because they are moving out Suhyun says with a sad tone of voice. Wait are you sad that they are leaving Yunseong ask? Yes I am I don't want them to leave Suhyun says. Why Yunseong ask? Because than I will be lonely Suhyun says.

That is true but it's okay you will still get to visit them Yunseong says. Yeah that is true Suhyun says. But I still can't believe it why are they moving out Yunseong ask? Juyeon wants Taehyun and Beomgyu to have their own apartment along with all their guards so he bought them their own apartment and yes the guards will have their own apartments as well. Suhyun says. Oh well at least they will have more privacy right Yunseong says. Yeah Suhyun says.

(In Taegyu's room)
Hey Beomie do you think Suhyun will miss us Taehyun ask? Yes I think he will miss us mostly you though Beomgyu says. Why would he miss me the most Taehyun ask? Well you gave him attention and you talked to him all the time and you gave him hugs and you comforted him when he needed it Love Beomgyu says. Oh but do you think he will be okay without us here Beomie Taehyun ask? I think he will be fine Love Beomgyu says and goes behind Taehyun and wraps his arms around him and kisses his neck. Can we come back and visit him Beomie Taehyun ask? I don't see why not love Beomgyu says.

I'm finished packing Taehyun says. Okay let's go get ice cream Beomgyu says. Okay Taehyun says and goes downstairs with Beomgyu. Bye guys we are leaving Beomgyu says and they go to the car and leave to get ice cream.
Jongho Jungmo says. Yes Jongho says and looks at Jungmo. How close are you with Taehyun Jungmo ask? I'm pretty close to him but not as close as you are to him Jongho says. Yeah I know that but anyway has Taehyun told you anything about how he is feeling Jungmo ask? No he hasn't said anything to me Jongho says. Okay thank you Jungmo says and walks away.

Hey Tyunie it's nice to see you again Eric says with a smile. Hey Eric it's nice to see you again as well how are you Taehyun says and hugs Eric. I'm doing good and your still beautiful as always Eric says with a smile. Oh stop it Eric Taehyun says with a smile. So who is this Tyunie Eric says looking at Beomgyu. Oh this is my boyfriend Beomgyu Taehyun says. Really well it's nice to meet you Beomgyu I'm Eric Eric says. Yeah it's nice to meet you to Beomgyu says.

You are a lucky guy you know that Eric says to Beomgyu. Yeah I know Beomgyu says. Good you know I had the biggest crush on Taehyun when I went to high school with him but once I saw how close he was to you I knew that I didn't stand a chance to be with him and yes I was jealous of you I wanted to fight you for him but I knew that wouldn't change anything so I just left it alone and ignored my feelings for him Eric says. Really I never noticed you to be honest Beomgyu says.

Well that's a good thing I'm just glad that he found someone who loves him Eric says. Yeah me too he is the love of my life I can't even survive a week without him trust me it's true Beomgyu says. Wow he must be really special to you Eric says. He is I don't know what I'd do without him Beomgyu says. Well I better get going it was nice meeting you Eric says and walks out the ice cream shop.

Hey Beomie what did you guys talk about Taehyun ask? Oh nothing I just talked a lot about how special you are to me Beomgyu says. Gyu stop being cheesy Taehyun says and wraps his arms around Beomgyu's arm. What you are really special to me Tyun Beomgyu says and pulls Taehyun closer to him by his waist. I know and you are special to me my Beomie Taehyun says and rest his head on Beomgyu's chest.

Come on let's go back Beomgyu says and kisses Taehyun's head. Okay Taehyun says and gets in the passenger seat and Beomgyu gets in the driver seat and they leave back to Suhyun's house.

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