Part 8

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(A Continuation of Part 7)

Jungmo POV
I walk back to Taehyun's room and I saw a boy staring at the door of Taehyun room. Hi can I help you I ask him. I'm Suhyun I was close to Taehyun when he was in the hospital he says. Oh so do you want to see him I'm sure he would be happy to see you I say. I don't think he remembers me Suhyun says sadly. What do you mean Taehyun has good memory and when he is close to someone he won't forget who they are so come in talk to him I say. Okay thank you Suhyun says.

I open the door to see Beomgyu asleep and his arms wrap around Taehyun waist and his face was buried in Taehyun's neck and Taehyun was on his phone playing games. Hey Tae someone is here to see you I say and he looks up and smiles. Hi Suhyun Taehyun says and waves at him. Hey Hyun how have you been Suhyun ask. I have been well. So how have you been Taehyun says. Tyunie stop moving Beomgyu says  in his sleep and hugs Taehyun tighter and nuzzles his face deeper into his neck.

Taehyun smiles awkwardly at Suhyun. So who is he Suhyun ask. Oh Beomie he is my boyfriend Taehyun says. Be glad he isn't awake he will go attack mode on you first and he realizes that Taehyun is friends with you he will be friends with you too I say. Really he is really that protective of Taehyun Suhyun ask. Yes once he found out what Taehyun's ex did to him he became reallyf protective towards Taehyun. I say. He really does love and care for you Taehyun Suhyun says. I know and I love and care for him to I will risk my life for him if I had to Taehyun says and holds Beomgyu's hand.

I see Beomgyu has a few tears going down his face and Taehyun looks at Beomgyu wakes him up. Hey Beomie wake up why are you crying Taehyun says and hugs him. I love you and I will risk my life for you too Tyunie Beomgyu says and hugs Taehyun. You heard that Beomie Taehyun ask. Of course I did my love by the way who is that Beomgyu says holding Taehyun closer to him. Oh that is Suhyun he is my friend from when I was in the hospital Taehyun says with a smile. Oh really hi I'm Beomgyu Taehyun's boyfriend Beomgyu says with a smile.

My love I am going to the restroom I will be right back alright Beomgyu says Okay Taehyun says and pecks Beomgyu's cheek and Beomgyu goes to the restroom.

Suhyun POV
Hey Taehyun how about you come stay with me you know I'm rich I will keep your ex boyfriend away from you I say. No I want to stay with Beomie I feel safe with him Taehyun says.

But I can keep you safe Tae please you know I have bodyguards all over the place so I'm begging you come stay with me I say. I said no I don't want to be away from Beomgyu Taehyun says.

Why won't you come stay with me Tae I ask him. Because I want to stay with Beomgyu I don't want to be away from him or Jung they will protect me and I will protect them Suhyun Taehyun says. Taehyun please I will keep Beomgyu and Jungmo safe to I say. No I don't want to stay with you Suhyun so please stop asking me Taehyun says with tears in his eyes.

Hey my love I'm back why is he crying Beomgyu says and runs to Taehyun and hugs him close to his chest. Suhyun why is Taehyun crying god dammit Beomgyu says in a furious voice. He is crying because I want him to come stay with me I have a lot of security and I can keep him safe but he keeps declining the offer because he wants to stay with you I say.

My love you can't decline the offer he wants to keep you safe Beomgyu says to Taehyun. But Beomie I want to stay with you Taehyun says. I know my love but he has a lot of security that will keep you safe Beomgyu says.

But I don't want to go what about school Beomie I can't miss classes Taehyun says. You won't miss classes my love you will be online Beomgyu says.

Oh how about Jungmo and Beomgyu stay with me to they will be safe to by the way I already told him this idea I say. You promise can I stay with Beomie Taehyun says. Yes you and Beomgyu will share a room because I know how attach you are to Beomgyu I say. Okay Beomie can I get cuddles Taehyun ask and lays down on the bed.

Yes my love I will give you cuddles Beomgyu says and lays down and cuddles Taehyun close to him. And Taehyun buries his face in Beomgyu's neck. I'm tire Beomie Taehyun says. Than go to sleep my love I will be here when you wake up Beomgyu says. Okay Taehyun says and nuzzles his face in Beomgyu's neck and falls asleep.

Beomgyu POV
So now that I have convinced my boyfriend to stay with you along with Jungmo and I why do you want him to stay under your protection Suhyun I ask him. Well I'm rich and I have guards everywhere and his ex won't be able to come near him or you and Jungmo Suhyun says.

Well thank you for letting us stay under your protection I say. So how did you and Tae meet Suhyun ask. I saw him in one of my classes and he just caught my attention when I saw him I knew I wanted to be with him so than I met Jungmo his best friend and I ask him if he can introduce me to Taehyun and don't worry Taehyun and I were friends first and after a couple months of being friends I finally confessed to him and now we are dating I say.

Oh how did you get him to fall for you Suhyun ask. Why are you asking that I say to him. Because I remember at the hospital he was always getting ask out and he always rejected them Suhyun says. Well he was scared of course he just got out of a toxic relationship Jungmo says looking at Taehyun like he is the most precious person in the world.

Oh okay Suhyun says. Hey Jungmo are you okay you are looking at Taehyun like he is the most vulnerable and precious baby.I say. Yeah I'm good Jungmo says and sits down. Well I'm going to sleep I say and fall asleep.

(The next morning)

Taehyun POV
I wake up and I feel a lot of pain where the stab wound is and Jung comes towards me. Hey sweetie do you have pain where the stab wound is do you want me to call a nurse Jungmo ask and I nod my head yes and he goes gets the nurse. I hold my stab wound so the pain will be less painful and after a while the nurse comes in.

Alright can you guys get out please so he can take off his hospital gown so I can treat the stab wound The nurse says and Jung and Suhyun leave the room but I say that I want Beomgyu to stay in the room with me and of course the nurse said it was fine.

Beomie when I take off my gown you are going to see things that you would have never thought that was on my body I says scared and takes off my hospital gown. Oh my god Tyun you are gorgeous I don't care about the scars on your body but where did you get the scars from Beomgyu ask. I got them when I was with Minhee I would harm myself many times because I was scared that he would come back and hurt me I never told anyone this information you are the first one I told I says looking at the floor and hands shaking and I start crying.

Hey Tyunie look at me baby now breath in and out can you do that for me Beomgyu says while holding my hands I nod and I try to follow beomgyu's breathing but its hard. Baby focus on me now take a deep breath in and out he says and I continue to follow him and I calm down a bit i can breathe bettter now.

Jungmo and Suhyun come back in the room. So is everything okay Suhyun ask. Yeah everything is fine I say. So what did the nurse say Suhyun ask. Oh she said that the doctor will come in to check on me later because I shouldn't be feeling any pain I say. I am going to the restroom Jungmo says wait for me I have to go to Suhyun says and runs after Jungmo. Baby what if you have to get surgery again because something is wrong Beomgyu says. Beomie everything is going to be fine okay I say.

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