Part 4

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Taehyun POV
I realize that the more time I spend with Beomgyu I am slowly falling for him but at the same time I want to run away from my feelings because what if he hurts me but at the same time I want to give him a chance.

Hey Tyunie are you okay Beomgyu ask? Yes I am fine I say with a little smile. I need to talk to Jungmo about this because  I don't trust myself to let someone in my life at the moment. We should get to class Tyun come on Beomgyu says and I nod and go with him.

I sit in my seat with Beom beside me. I can't tell him that I have romantic feelings towards him. Our teacher comes in and greets us and we greet her back. What am I going to do about these feelings I either tell him which I don't want to because than he will reject me or I tell Jungmo how I feel. I'm scared I haven't had any feelings for anyone ever since I broke up more like ran away from Minhee. After an hour in class it is finally lunch time and I go to the roof top. Hey sweetie you okay Jungmo ask me. Can I talk to you about something Jung I ask. Yes of course sweetie what is it Jung ask me. Well I am starting to develop romantic feelings towards Beomgyu and I don't know what to do because I know he doesn't feel the same way about me Jung I say. Well maybe try talking to other students and if he gets jealous than he likes you and if he doesn't than he doesn't feel the same way Jung says. Okay thank you Jung I say and go to the lunch room.

Hey Sunoo how have you been I ask with a smile. I am doing good how about you Tyun he says. I am doing well I say. We have our next class together do you want to go together Sunoo ask. Sure I say.

Beomgyu POV
Where the hell is Taehyun at he is usually here. I start looking around for him and than I see him talking and laughing with another boy which kind of makes my blood boil because he is supposed to be with me not with him. And than I heard him call Taehyun by the nickname I call him by which I get more upset about.

I than notice the other boy holding Taehyun's waist. And now I am just furious and leave the room. Why does he do this to me I had no right to be jealous because he is not mine. But I am realizing that I should tell him how I feel.

But I am scared to get rejected but than an idea comes to mine maybe I can ask him to go out on a date with me. But I know he has gone through a lot with his ex so I don't want to push him.

Hey Beomie Taehyun says. Hey Tyun um can I ask you something I ask. Sure Beom what is it he says. So I was wondering if you would go on a date with me I ask him? Yes of course Beom He says with a smile. Okay I will pick you up at 6pm after school okay I say. Okay see you later Beomie Taehyun says and goes home.

( Skip to the date)

It is finally Friday meaning today is my date with Taehyun. Hey Beomie Taehyun runs up to me and hugs me and I hug him back. Man he is so adorable. Hey Tyun so are you excited about our date tonight I ask him? Yes I can't wait Taehyun says with the brightest smile.

Why are you so cute Tyunie I ask him. I don't know and I am not cute I am ugly okay Taehyun says. You are not ugly Tyunie you are gorgeous, the sweetest, and the most lovable person I have ever met you mean everything to me Tyunie so don't ever think like that of your self okay I say to him and I can see that he has tears going down his cheeks.

Hey Tyunie why are you crying I ask him and than I realize that I just confessed my love for him. I didn't know I could mean so much to a person Beomie Taehyun says and hugs me. I hug him back tightly.

Tyun I love you more than a friend or a best friend I want you to be mine and I will cherish you and your heart please just give me a chance to prove it to you I confess to him.

I didn't know you felt that way about me Beomie and I love you to Taehyun says and pecks my lips and goes back to hugging me. Well this is our first date right Tyunie I say. Yes it is Beomie he says with a big bright smile.

Hey sweetie and Beomgyu Jungmo says. Hi Jung Taehyun says and hugs Jungmo and I just smile because he is so adorable. Hey Beomgyu can I talk to you for a minute in private Jungmo says. I look at Taehyun and he just nods for me to go with Jungmo. Yeah sure I say and walk away with Jungmo.

So Taehyun told me that he has feelings for you did he confess to you yet Jungmo ask me. Actually I confess to him and he said he felt the same way I say. Okay are you guys going on a date anytime soon Jungmo ask. Yes we are going on a date tonight I say. Okay please take good care of him and if you hurt him I will hunt you down you got it Jungmo says. Yes I understand I say a little scared.

Okay that's all I wanted to talk to you about Jungmo says. Okay I say and walk back to Taehyun. Beomie Taehyun says happily. Hey Tyun I say and kiss his forehead. I can see that he blushed after I kissed his forehead and he tried to hide his blush he is so adorable. How can someone ever hurt him he is so precious.

(At the Date)

I took Taehyun to the amusement park and the first ride he wanted to go on was the really big white ride and of course I said let's go wait in line. But I'm nervous because I have never been on a ride that big before. Hey Beomie are you okay Taehyun ask. Yes I am fine just nervous that's all I say with a smile. Okay he says.

Than I realize that Taehyun told Jungmo he had feelings for me but he was scared to tell me how he felt. After this I am going to take him to the Ferris will and ask him. I love him so much and I hope that he says yes.

We get on the ride and I hold Taehyun's hand tightly but his hands are so tiny it's so cute.

After that ride we go to the Ferris will and get on it once we sat down and we were secure in our seats. The ride starts hey Tyun I have an important question to ask you? Okay what is it Beomie he says. Will you be my boyfriend Tyun I ask him? Yes I would love to be your boyfriend Beomie he says and kisses me. I kiss him back and his lips are so addictive we pull away and hold hands.

I can't believe it I am dating the love of my life I will protect him from anyone who tries to hurt him.

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