Part 2

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( This is a continuation of Part 1) - Author

Beomgyu POV
Actually I will ask the boy that hugged the red haired boy if they are a couple or not. Because if they are then I won't be able to ask him out. And I may have a crush on the red haired boy but I want to become his friend first and get to know him. The teacher comes in the class and of course I introduce myself to the class and go back to my desk. Mr.Kim starts writing on the board and we take notes. After we were done taking notes and Mr.Kim was done giving the lecture he packed his bag. Alright class you may have free study I will see you guys tomorrow Mr.Kim says and leaves the class. After 15 minutes the bell rings and I packed my stuff and head to my math class.

I find a seat in the back and wait for the students to come in. Soon the students start filling up the classroom and taking their seats. After the second bell rings the teacher comes in and we greet her and sit back down and she puts her stuff on her desk. I'm so glad after this class we can go home but I noticed that the red haired boy's boyfriend or friend is in this class but the red head is not in this class. Mrs.Cha starts giving the lecture and I start taking notes but it is pretty boring. After an hour of being in the class Mrs.Cha says her goodbye and leaves the class. So everyone gets up and goes to their friends and just talk. So I take my chance and go talk to the brown haired boy. Hello I'm Choi Beomgyu I say to him. Hey I'm Koo Jungmo nice to meet you he says. Can I ask you a question I ask sitting in the desk next to him. Sure what is it Jungmo says. So um this may sound weird but I was wondering if you could tell me that red haired boy you were hugging in Chemistry class could you tell me his name or are you guys a couple or something I ask him?

No, we are not a couple. I've been his best friend since elementary school and his name is Kang Taehyun but I must warn you he is not ready to date anyone so I suggest you become his friend first but he is shy around new people so he won't talk much but if you want I can introduce you to him right after class because I'm going to meet him after class Jungmo says. Really you can introduce me to him I say. Sure I don't see why not Jungmo says with a smile. Awesome thank you so much I say with a smile. After 5 minutes the bell rings and I get my stuff and walk with Jungmo to go meet Taehyun. Oh he is over here Jungmo says. So I follow him to Taehyun. Hey Tae Jungmo says hugging Taehyun. Oh Tae this is Choi Beomgyu and this is Kang Taehyun Jungmo says. Hello it's nice to meet you Taehyun says with a little smile. It's nice to meet you to I say with a smile and shake his hand. Hey how about you and Beomgyu exchange numbers Tae Jungmo says. Ok sure Taehyun says and takes out his phone and I hand him mine and we put our numbers in each others phones. Oh hey Beomgyu would you like to have lunch with Taehyun and I tomorrow Jungmo says. Sure see you guys tomorrow I say and start walking home.

Taehyun POV
Jungmo drives me home after Beomgyu leaves. Um Jung why did you do that I ask him. Do what Tae He ask. You know what why did you introduce him to me you know I don't like meeting knew people I say. Just give him a chance Tae he is a good guy and plus he was the one that wanted to meet you He says. Really how do you know that Jung I say with my arms crossed. Because he told me I have math with him and he came up to me asking if I knew you and of course I said yes and he ask me to introduce him to you and than I got to know him a bit He says. Really how old is he than I say. He is 16 and in the same grade we are in He says. Okay fine I will give him a chance but it will take me some time to open up to him I say. Okay good he says and parks the car in front of my house. Thank you for the ride Jung do you want to come in I ask. Sure I need help on my math homework anyway He says and turns off his car and gets out and comes with me inside the house and we both go to my room.

So we are in my room doing homework. Hey Tae Jungmo says. Yeah Jung what is it I ask him. You know I think Beomgyu has a crush on you Tae Jungmo says. Why do you think that Jung I ask him. Well it is kind of obvious that he likes you Jungmo says. Jung you know that I am not ready to start dating after what happen between me and him Jung so stop please I am not ready I say with tears in my eyes. I know sweetie but you never told me what happened between you and him so please tell me what he did to you Jung says. Okay I will tell you but you can't get mad Jung I say nervous. Okay but I can't promise you that I won't do something dumb Jung says. Okay I say clenching my fist. Well you remember Minhee. Well he basically mentally abused me and always told me that I was worthless,not good enough,ugly and that I should just kill myself so one night I overdose on pills. Good thing that my mom got there just on time she came right after I passed out. I was in the hosiptal for a month because they didn't trust me to be by myself and than after I got out of the hosiptal I was sent to a therapist and I saw the therapist for a good 3 months until they decided that I didn't need it anymore and I broke up with Minhee and my mom transferred me to the school I am at right now with you of course. I say with tears going down my face. Why didn't you tell me Tae you know I would've been there with you Jungmo says. I didn't want you to worry about me Jung you know I don't like people worrying about me I say tears still going down my face. I know Tae but what if your mom didn't get there on time and you died I don't know what I would do without you Jungmo says with tears showing in his eyes and hugs me tightly and of course I hug back. Don't cry Jung look I'm still here and look I am healthy to so no need to cry I say with a smile.

(The next day at school)

Jungmo POV
I know Taehyun said he doesn't want me to worry about him but now he is all I worry about. So now I will just have to be protective of him and make sure that no one hurts him. Hey Tae I say with a smile and hug him. Hey Jung you ok Taehyun says. Yeah I am fine hey Beomgyu I say. Hey jungmo he says with a smile. So what were you guys talking about I ask. Oh nothing I was just asking Taehyun if you guys wanted to come over to my house after school Beomgyu says. Sure I would love to Taehyun says with a big smile. Me too I love to go to your house I say with a smile. Okay great see you guys at lunch Beomgyu says and goes to class. Beomgyu wait up we have first period together Taehyun says and runs to Beomgyu. Okay Beomgyu says and waits for him so they can go to class.

So Taehyun is slowly warming up to Beomgyu but I have to make sure that he won't hurt my little Tae. I can't lose Taehyun he is the only one I have left in my life. I live in an apartment by myself so I get lonely so I mostly go over to Taehyun's house most of the time. Taehyun is like my younger brother and I care about him a lot so if someone hurts him I will not hesitate to fight them. The bell rings for lunch so I went to go fine Tae but I didn't see him anywhere and than I saw Beomgyu and ask him if he knows where Tae is and he said that he didn't know. So now I am worried I went to the rooftop to see if he was there because he likes to come up here a lot. And luckily he was fine he was sitting down on the bench looking at the sky. Hey Tae I say. Hi Jung what are you doing here Taehyun ask? I was looking for you of course and than I came to the conclusion that you might be up here I say. Oh well you found me Taehyun says with a smile. Should we go meet Beomgyu for lunch Tae says. Sure let's go I say and grab his hand. We sit with Beomgyu. Hey Gyu Taehyun says. Hi Taehyun He says. Hey Gyu where should we meet so we can go to your house Tae says. In front of the school should be fine he says with a little smile. Okay Tae says. Wow you guys seem to be getting along well I say. Yeah we are Tae says with a smile. I love seeing him smile and I don't want him to lose his smile.

(After School)
They meet up in front of the school and go to Beomgyu' house Jungmo drives because he is the only one with a driver's license. Jungmo parks the car in the driveway and they get out. Hey mom I'm home and I brought my friends over Beomgyu says. Okay sweetie she says. And we go upstairs to Beomgyu's room. Wow this is nicer than my room Taehyun says. I wouldn't say that my room is a mess Beomgyu says with a smile. So what do you guys want to do Beomgyu ask. We can watch a movie Jungmo says. Yeah I agree with Jung Taehyun says. Okay movie it is what movie should we watch Beomgyu ask. How about 21 jump street I heard it is really good Taehyun says. Okay than let me put it on Beomgyu says with a little smile and turns on the TV and puts on the movie.

Hey Gyu where is your bathroom Taehyun ask. Oh down the hall the third door on the left Beomgyu says. Okay thank you Taehyun says and goes to the bathroom. Hey Beomgyu I have a question Jungmo ask. Yeah what is it Beomgyu says. When did Tae start calling you Gyu Jungmo ask. Oh he didn't tell you okay well we started texting eachother the day when you introduced me to him and we got know eachother better so he ask me if he can call me Gyu and I said that it was fine and thats the whole story Beomgyu says. Okay than Jungmo says. Taehyun comes back and sits next to Jungmo and continues watching the movie. Jung can we cuddle please Taehyun ask. Yes of course come here Jungmo says and Taehyun goes closer to him and lays his head on Jungmo chest and Jungmo has his arms wrapped around Taehyun's petite body.

Taehyun soon falls asleep on Jungmo's chest. Beomgyu chest stares at the Jungmo with Jealousy in his eyes. Taehyun is so adorable one day he will be mine but for now I am his friend Beomgyu thinks to himself.

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