Part 3

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Jungmo POV
Taehyun feel asleep on my chest he is so adorable. I'm kinda of Jealous of Beomgyu because I use to have Taehyun all to myself but now Taehyun is getting closer to Beomgyu. And it kinda bothers me because I've loved Taehyun for so long.

But if Beomgyu wants him I will let him. But it is all up to Taehyun on who he wants to date when he is ready. I have made him cry a few times because of telling him that he should go out with the boys and girls who ask him out but I now know the reason why he won't go out with anyone.

He is afraid that he will get hurt again. And I don't like the thought of him getting hurt. When he told me why he didn't want to be in a relationship it made my blood boil because Taehyun he is a sweetheart he cares more about other people than himself and he is adorable so I see why the boys in our school would fall for him.

Hey Beomgyu are you awake I ask? Yeah what is it he ask me? Can I talk to you outside your room please I ask him? Sure he says and gets off his bed to go outside his room and I follow behind him.

So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about Jungmo he asks? So um I realize that I have a crush on Taehyun I said. Really but you said that you didn't have any romantic feelings towards him he says. I know I just realize it now I say but are you going to confess to him he ask me? No I know he is going to reject me so I am just going to keep my feelings to myself and I will let you be with him I say.

But why I just  got here you have been friends with him for almost your whole life you should tell him how you feel about him he says. I know but I don't want to ruin my friendship with him Beomgyu he is the only person I have left I say. Wait so he is-I cut Beomgyu off no he is not my brother but he is like my brother and I want us to stay that way Beomgyu I say. Oh okay he says. But can you promise me that if you and Taehyun ever get together please take good care of him and don't hurt him please I say. I promise I will take good care of him He says with a smile.
(The next day at school)

Taehyun POV
Hey Beomie I say with a smile. Hey Tyunnie how are you he ask? I'm good how about you I ask. I'm also doing good He says with a smile. So beomie are you free after school today I ask? Yes I am He says. Okay do you think we can hang out after school just me and you I ask him nervously. Sure but why isn't Jungmo coming He ask me. Oh he has work today so he can't come I say. Okay than he says with a smile.

We should get to class come on Tyunnie He says and grabs my hand. I hear whispers from some male students about me and I get uncomfortable and hug Beomie's arm a little tight. Are you alright Tyun He ask? Yes can we go to the rooftop after this class Beomie please I ask him. Yes of course we can he says. Okay I say. I feel someone staring at me and I look around and I catch the person who was staring at me. It was my ex boyfriend's best friend and now I am even more terrified.

After class was over I hold onto Beomie's arm walking out of class. Hey Tyun I am going to the restroom wait for me here okay He says. Okay I say and stand outside the bathroom. Hey Hyunie so I see you got a new boyfriend already Sunwoo says with a smirk. But Hyunie you know he is out of prison and looking for you Sunwoo says. What do you mean he is looking for me Sunwoo I ask with a shakey voice. Well he wants you back and he said he will do anything to have you back as his Sunwoo says.

No he put me through hell Sunwoo I will not go back with him I say tears forming in my eyes. You really think that new boyfriend of yours can protect from him Hyunie because I don't think so Sunwoo says. Just leave me alone I say crying. Hey what did you say to him you asshole Jung says. Nothing don't worry about it Sunwoo says walking away. Hey what happened sweetheart tell me what he said to you Jungmo says. He said that my ex is looking for me Jung I am scared of him I say. I know sweetheart but I am here no one can hurt you alright Jungmo says. Okay I say. Hey Jungmo what happen Tyun why are you crying Beom ask? Beomie I'm scared please don't let him hurt me I say and latch onto him. I wont let anyone touch you alright Beom says and rubs circles on my back. Well see you guys at lunch Jungmo says. Hey you still want to go to the rooftop Beom ask me. Yes I say with the biggest smile. Okay let's go than Beom says and we go to the rooftop.

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