Part 9

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Beomgyu POV
The doctor came into the room to check Taehyun's stab wound. And I am worried I'm scare that he is going to need surgery I can't risk losing him. Okay Taehyun so I will subscribe pain relief cream so it won't bother you as much. But other than the pain how are you feeling The doctor says. I'm feeling fine and okay thank you very much Doctor Taehyun says. No problem it is my job after all the Doctors says with a smile and leaves the room.

Hey my love so what did he say I ask him. Oh he said that he is going to subscribe me pain relief cream Taehyun says. Okay my love I say and kiss him my hands on his waist pulling him closer to me. He wraps his arms around my neck and his hands playing with my hair. I hear someone clear their throat and we break apart to look at the person who cleared there throat and the person was Jungmo.

Yes Jungmo we were kind of in the middle of something I say and I notice Taehyun's cheeks turn pink from embarrassment that we were caught making out in front of his friend and best friend and he hides his face in my chest. He is so adorable. So what did the doctor say will Taehyun need surgery Jungmo says looking worriedly at Taehyun. No he won't need surgery the doctor said that the pain is normal and that he will subscribe pain relief cream to help with the pain I say. Oh okay I was worried Jungmo says and hugs Taehyun tightly.

I let him hug Taehyun because well he is his best friend. Hey Suhyun so are you dating anyone I ask him. No I am not dating anyone he says with a smile. Suhyun there you are your mother wants you home hi Tae this random boy says. Hey Prince  Taehyun says with a smile. Okay I will go home now see you guys later Suhyun says and leaves.

My love who is the prince dude and how do you know him I ask him crossing my arm. I met him when he came to visit Suhyun in the hospital since Suhyun and I were roommates in the hospital and Suhyun's mom liked me and she didn't want Suhyun to be lonely and than Prince was Suhyun's bodyguard and that's how I met him Taehyun says. Damn than Suhyun is rich and he wasn't lying I say. Why would he lie Beomie Taehyun says. No reason my love I say. Okay Beomie Taehyun says. I don't want to be in here anymore Beomie Taehyun pouts. Awww My love you will be out of here in two days okay I say and kiss his cheek.

Okay Taehyun says making grabby hands at me and of course I pick him up. Wow he is so tiny and adorable Jungmo says and coos at how cute Taehyun is. I think he is tired Gyu Jungmo says. Yeah hey my love are you tire I ask him and he nods his head and nuzzles his face into my neck. He is such a baby I love him so much and I kiss his head. After a while I hear quiet snoring from him and that's how I knew he was asleep. Hey Jungmo can you carry him while I go to the restroom I ask. Yeah sure Jungmo says with a smile and takes Taehyun carefully trying not to wake him up.

Jungmo POV
I'm happy my little Tae met Beomgyu honestly. Like he cares for him a lot and he will do anything to protect Taehyun from harm. I know Beomgyu isn't the biggest fan of Taehyun's ex because of what happened when Tae was with him and than the stab wound.

So Minhee has been calling me none stop because he wants to talk to Taehyun but I know Beomgyu will never allow that and I'm pretty sure Taehyun doesn't want to speak to him. Hey Jungmo you good Beomgyu says taking Taehyun and carrying him. So um I know you are not going to like what I'm about to say but I need to tell you I say. Okay than tell me Beomgyu says. Okay so Tae's ex has been calling me none stop and he even text me saying that he wants to talk to him I say. You know I don't want that bitch anywhere near Taehyun do you see what he did to Taehyun and he put him through hell Beomgyu says.

Maybe we should ask Tae what he thinks we never know maybe he wants to speak with him I say. Your right we will ask him when he wakes up. Beomie move he is going to hurt you Taehyun says in his sleep and hugs Beomgyu tightly and I can see tears falling from his eyes. Beomgyu Taehyun is having a nightmare wake him up I say. Tyunnie my love wake up I'm here no one is going to hurt me Beomgyu says hugging Taehyun close to his chest. Taehyun wakes up and cries into Beomgyu's chest. Sweetie it's okay we are here no one is going to hurt Beomgyu I say  and cup his face to look at me.

But he is going to find a way to hurt Beomie I know it Taehyun says tears going down his cheeks. We won't let him hurt Beomgyu sweetie but remember he is also after you I say. I know he is but maybe I should go to him meaning you and Beomie will be safe Taehyun says. No I will never let you go back to him Baby I said I will protect you even if I have to fight for you Beomgyu says. No I don't want anyone to fight for me Beomie I just don't want anyone getting hurt because of me that's why I'm saying let me go back to him so I can talk to him Taehyun says. Or he can come here Minhee has been messaging me these pass few weeks and he really wants to talk to you I say. Sure I will talk to him and Beomie behave okay Taehyun says I will try to behave myself My Love Beomgyu says and hugs Taehyun.

Okay I texted him and he said he is coming tomorrow in the morning I say. Okay Taehyun says. My love are you sure you want to see him Beomgyu ask with a worry look. Yes Beomie and plus I will have you here with me Taehyun says. Okay but you know maybe we should call Suhyun for bodyguards just in case Beomgyu says. Gyu Stop being so dramatic we are here with him okay I say. Beomie can we cuddle Taehyun says with a pout. Of course my love I could never say no to you Beomgyu says and lays down next to Taehyun and cuddles him and after a couple minutes they both fall asleep.

(The next morning)

Beomgyu POV
I woke up and was reminded that my boyfriend's ex is coming in an hour and I really don't like his ex but I have to stay calm. My love it's time to get up I say and kiss him on his neck and he woke up. Goodmorning Beomie Taehyun says and kisses my cheek and got up to go to the restroom. After a couple minutes Taehyun walked out the restroom and came over to me and hug me and of course I hug him back. Hey my love you okay I ask him. I'm nervous Beomie because what if he tries to hurt you or Jungmo Taehyun says.

He won't hurt me my love I promise I say and kiss his forehead. If he does try to hurt you I am stepping him and getting hurt for you Beomie Taehyun says with a serious voice and pouts. Awww your so cute Baby and no you are not getting hurt again I won't let that happen again I say. How about you two just stay close together when he comes Jungmo says. Okay you are right we are going to stick together when he comes I say.

Oh Minhee is here I will go get him from the front Jungmo says. Okay I say and he goes to the front to get Minhee. Come on my love let's sit down on the bed I say and sit down on the bed. Come on my love sit down on my lap I say. Okay Taehyun says and sits on my lap and I hold him by his waist. After a couple minutes Jungmo and Minhee came in the room.

I notice Taehyun starting to get tears in his eyes. Hey my love I am right here he won't hurt you I promise I whisper to him. And Taehyun nods his head wrapping his arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around his waist tightly. Okay I'm listening now tell me what you want Taehyun says. Well I want you but I know I will never get you back. And I wanted to apologize for everything I have done to you I am just really possessive when I love someone and I always end up putting them down so I'm sorry for everything I put you through and I know you can't forgive. But I will get you back just not now remember Hyunie you will always be mine and I'm not giving up on you Minhee says and leaves the room.

Hey guys I'm back Suhyun says. Hey Suhyun where is Prince Taehyun ask. Oh well I may have sneaked away from him to come here and see you Suhyun says. Why you know he is still going to find you right Taehyun says. Yeah I know oh by the way my parents said it's fine if you and your boyfriend and Jungmo come stay at the mansion Suhyun says. Okay thank you we will be going to tomorrow I say. Alright than I will have my driver pick you guys up what time do you check out of here Taehyun Suhyun says. He checks out at 10:15 in the morning Jungmo says. Alright than she you guys in the morning Suhyun says.

Hey guys I will be going for a walk outside Jungmo says and leaves. So Baby now we have the room to ourselves what do you want to do I ask him. I want to cuddle Taehyun says and lays his head on my chest and rests his hand on my stomach. My love I say. Yes Beomie Taehyun ask and looks at me innocently. I love you so much you mean the world to me I would do anything for you I say to him and I can see that he has tears in his eyes. Baby why are you crying I ask. Well I never knew I can mean this much to someone Taehyun says with tears falling down his cheek. I'm sorry for being a cry baby Beomie Taehyun apologizes. There is no need to apologize my love I say and peck his lips. I love you too Beomie Taehyun says.

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