Part 16

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Beomgyu laid in the bed and pulled Taehyun closer to him so he can cuddle him. He admired the younger boy for awhile until he finally fell asleep. But only if they knew what was going to happen that night. Hey so how was it with Taehyun today Soobin ask Yeonjun. It was fine he was really close with Jongho one of his guards Yeonjun says. Oh that is surprising well Jongho has been protecting him for a while now well goodnight Junnie Soobin says and kisses his forehead. Goodnight Binnie Yeonjun says and falls asleep.

The window to Beomgyu and Taehyun's room opened and without anyone noticing he took Taehyun and left. He put Taehyun in the seat in the back of the van and tied his hands behind his back and put tape over his mouth. Once they reach the house. The men took Taehyun out the car and took him to a room with no windows. Boss he is in the room what are you gonna do with him One of the men ask? That is non of your business now is it The boss says.

No it is not Sir the man says and walks away. Now we just wait until morning He says and walks to his room. I finally got him but I'm pretty sure they are gonna be looking for him especially his boyfriend the boss thinks to himself.
(In the morning)
Taehyun wakes up to his hands tied behind his back and tape on his mouth and he looks around the room and sees there are no windows so he can escape. Hello Taehyun right One of the men said. Taehyun nods his head.

I'm so sorry that our boss wants you The guy says and leaves the room leaving Taehyun alone again. Hello Hyunie miss me The boss says walking towards Taehyun causing the younger boy to back away from him. The Boss takes the tape off the younger boy's mouth.

What do you want with me Minhee Taehyun says. Well I want you Minhee says cupping Taehyun's face. Taehyun moves his head before he could touch his face. Don't touch me you asshole Taehyun says. You son of a bitch you don't talk to me like that Minhee says slapping Taehyun across the face. Taehyun eyes start welling up with tears. There is no one here to protect you not even your precious boyfriend Minhee says.

They will find me and once they do you will be dead Taehyun says tears falling from his eyes. Oh will they well let's see about that Minhee says.
(At Suhyun's house)
Beomgyu runs downstairs guys where is Taehyun Beomgyu says panicking. What do you mean where is Taehyun isn't he with you Jungmo ask? No I woke up this morning and he wasn't in bed and the windows were open in our room I closed them before I went to bed Beomgyu says.

Someone came and got him without us noticing because we were all asleep Jongho says. Yes now we need to find him Beomgyu says. We will find him Gyu don't worry we will get him back Jungmo says. I can't lose him Jung Beomgyu says crying. I know and I can't lose him either so we will find him Jungmo says hugging Beomgyu.

Hey Renjun Hongjoong says over the phone. Hello Joong how May I help you Renjun ask? Can you track Minhee down he took Taehyun last night Hongjoong says. Alright I will track him down but I'm gonna need some time to do it Renjun says. Okay just let me know when you find him and can you please not tell Boss about this Hongjoong says.

Okay but I can't promise anything Renjun says. Alright thank you Renjun Hongjoong says and ends the call. Hey what happened why is everyone panicking Theo ask? Taehyun got kidnapped by the one person we have been trying to protect him from Beomgyu says.  And who is that Theo ask? His name is Minhee he is Taehyun's possessive ex-boyfriend he has been after Taehyun for months already Jungmo explains.

Really that's why everyone is so protective over him Kai says. No that's not why we are so protective of him JiWoong says. Than why are you guys so protective of him Kai ask? We are protective of him because he is so fragile, vulnerable, beautiful, kind, caring, precious, adorable, and he is so gorgeous that boys and girls want him to themselves JiWoong says.  Oh that's why you guys are so protective over him Theo says. Yes that is why JiWoong says.

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