"Welcome back, Jiminie, where's Taehyung?," a redheaded boy who was still eating and drinking happily asked as soon as his friend re-entered the cafeteria, no suspicions whatsoever.
"Don't ask about him." Now, Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what the two of them had talked about. "Did you two have a fight? But you didn't have a fight in ages! I mean, you have that unseperable, friendship-goals-kinda platonic soulmate connection anyone could wish for--"
"Stop saying that all the time! He's not my friend, he can never be!" Now even more confused, the boy pushed his plate aside and set his almost empty glass of orange juice onto the table.
"Okay, now don't overdo it. One fight will never erase your friendship, alright?""You don't get it, do you? I don't see him as my friend, I never could! I love him. Way too much. More than a friend. Do you understand?" The redhead's jaw dropped, his breath hitching.
"S-So... This was what it's all about, god, I should've known it earlier... But I didn't think you would actually... Oh god. Where is he?"The silver-headed boy scoffed. "Why is everything always about him? I'm the one who just got rejected! I'm the one who kept all these feelings bottled up inside for months, years and never said anything despite hurting like shit! Because I was scared of exactly this happening. You always take his side, you only worry about him and his feelings!"
"Hold the hell up, what are you saying? I'm not taking anyone's side here! But you're here and he isn't- he must be devastated right now. Do you even have any idea how guilty he must feel right now? He'll feel responsible for your pain. I'm sorry you're hurt but you can't put this on him, he didn't know anything! And neither did I. How... How could you never tell us? At least me, don't you trust me?," he asked quietly, his face turning into a sad frown.
"How could I? You were the one trying to set him up with Jeon all the time, didn't want to spoil your fun," the silverhead spoke unfazed.
"I wouldn't have done that if I had known about your feelings! If I had known you felt hurt by that... God... I was just trying to make Taehyung see what he truly felt for him. I had suspicions about your relationship to him but this? I would've never guessed... I-I..." All of a sudden, he looked like he was about to start crying.
"Whatever. I'm sorry but right now, I need to be by myself or I'll fuck this up even more. I'm not in my right mind. Bye, Hoseok-Hyung." The redhead widened his eyes and tried to hold him back but failed.
"No! We need to talk about this! Jimin!"But it was too late, the younger had already made his way out of the cafeteria and Hoseok found himself to be in a painful dilemma.
Hoping to find either Taehyung or Jimin, he ran out of the cafeteria aswell and left all his food and school stuff there, distancing himself with loud stomps on the hardwood floor.
He felt like crying again, there was nothing worse than his two best friends not speaking to each other. And evidently, this was not an everyday argument, this was serious. Their whole friendship, all three of them targeted, was on the line.
And that exact thought devastated him. Friendship was the most precious thing to him.Tears welled up inside his eyes as he still failed to find them, even at their favourite hangout places and literally every single room or corridor inside the whole school building. Where the hell could they be? Couldn't he find either one of them? Or would he lose both of them? What if Taehyung and Jimin would end their friendship with Hoseok because they felt pressured by him too? Because he was right in the middle...
As he was about to search the school toilets as his last resort and he sprinted towards the door to barge inside, he barely registered someone leaving it in just that moment, completely colliding with the person so harshly that the cellphone in their hand fell onto the floor with a loud thud. He gasped loudly, hearing a grunt out of pain from the person who was now rubbing their head which may or may not end up with a little bruise.

Enraptured || taekook ✔️
FanfictionIn which Jeon Jungkook falls in love with a pretty boy and tries to win his heart at any cost and under any circumstance. Will they find true love? "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they're even born." -F.Scott Fitzgerald ...