Jungkook was nervous.
The time finally came, it was Saturday, half past ten.
And right now, Jungkook was walking towards school, nervously.Okay, deep breaths.
It's just a boy.
A boy that you happen to like very much, but still!
You got this, Jeon Jungkook.
Quite frankly, Jungkook still did not understand what was going on with him. Never had he ever been so excited for just a simple study session.
And boy, was he excited.He recalled himself standing in front of the mirror for at least ten minutes, checking his appearance and worrying about how to style his hair, until he decided himself to just leave it a bit messy, parted slightly in the middle so part of his forehead was revealed.
He also recalled Seokjin knocking at the bathroom door several times, begging him to finally open the bloody door and let him take a damn piss, to quote his exact words.
At least he had wished him luck after he got to use the toilet.So now, here he was. Standing by the school gates and nervously brushing the nonexistent dust off his clothes.
His outfit consisted of a simple, plain white shirt, ripped jeans and of course, his signature black leather jacket.When he checked his phone, he realized that he was over fifteen minutes too early.
To kill some time, he leaned against the gate and decided to text Yoongi, just to annoy him.
He knew Yoongi would still be asleep, by the thought of his friend waking up while cursing and groaning, he smiled inwardly.But before he could started spamming Yoongi with memes and vines, he felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up, his face lighting up immediately when he looked into two soft, brown, puppy-like eyes, fringed with long, pretty eyelashes.
"Wow, you came early. Were you that eager to see me?" The other slapped his shoulder lightly, his eyes narrowing.
"What? Never! My bus arrived early, that's all. Also, I could ask you the same thing." He huffed.Jungkook laughed lightly. "Yes, I came extra early, in fact. Just for you." He winked.
Taehyung scoffed softly. "Tsk. So cheesy. Come on now, we have a project to work on. There's a bench, let's sit there." He led them towards a wooden bench under a big oak tree, only a couple metres away.Jungkook couldn't control his heart wildly beating in his chest. This low-key felt like a date. Even if it wasn't.
Taehyung, who was already sitting on the bench and taking out his exercise book and pencil case, groaned. "Are you gonna come? We don't have all day."
The ravenette nodded quickly and took a seat next to him, feeling oddly nervous again.Since he didn't really know what to do, he observed Taehyung studying the history book closely to find the most important keypoints. And of course, Jungkook once again was baffled by the other's beauty. In this case, his side profile.
"Stop staring at me," Taehyung then squeaked out, his voice came out higher than he intended it to be.
Jungkook started smiling.
"I'm just enjoying the view, you know? Since I don't really have a task yet.""Well, I'll give you one. You can work out everything about resources and weapons, I'll work out everything about politics and... deaths." The brunette's voice suddenly faltered, as if he was sad.
"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung quickly looked up and nodded.
"Yes, of course. Deaths are just... sad. But yeah, let's get started."
Jungkook smiled. "They are, but dwelling on the dead isn't smart. At least they're in a better place. And it seems like... you're warming up to me?"The brunette scoffed. "Don't get your hopes up, Jeon Jungkook. You're delulu. This changes absolutely nothing. And less talking, more working." He turned his back towards the younger and stuck his nose into his history book. However, he couldn't help but keep thinking about the younger boy actually saying something smart and sensitive.
So he does have a brain, he just doesn't use it.
Jungkook sighed internally. The letters had absolutely no coherence and nothing made sense to him.
History was just such a boring subject! Honestly, who gave a shit what people all over the world did back then? It's not like anyone would care what they were doing in fifty years, right?So pointless...
But by seeing Taehyung study every paragraph word by word and copying important keywords onto his sheet, he suddenly felt something inside him.
The need to prove himself.C'mon JK, do it for Taehyung.
He then, once again, forced his eyes off the breathtaking brunette and started reading the paragraphs one by one, trying to understand the content.It was not as easy as he thought. He could feel his brain getting sidetracked every five seconds, thinking about other things.
Food, TV, Netflix, his phone, Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin and of course a certain someone who was sitting right beside him in that very moment.Jungkook groaned when he caught himself thinking about Taehyung's eyelashes yet again, concentration wasn't an easy thing for sure.
"Do you have a problem?," Taehyung asked next to him, lifting his head and actually facing him for once."I just can't concentrate," Jungkook whined, spinning the pen in between his fingers.
"Well, then try. Focus on something you really want and imagine you can get that something by concentrating or something. Bingo, it works."The ravenette then gave a small smile. "Fine, I'll focus on you then." The older rolled his eyes.
"You can't do that! You don't even know me!"Jungkook winked. "Watch me."
Taehyung then grabbed his exercise book and slapped Jungkook's head with it.
"Whatever, just get all the information we need." He went back to work.What a nice word, Jungkook thought.
We.And the next hour actually wasn't even that bad, Jungkook could feel himself actually focus.
By the end of their study session, both of them had a significant amount of information. Of course, Jungkook's sheet was a lot more untidy and a lot less detailed than Taehyung's was. But it was still a start."This is actually better than expected. Of course, some things are missing but we can discuss them next time," Taehyung stated while checking Jungkook's sheet, slightly nodding.
The younger looked up with a hopeful glance. "There will be a next time?""Yeah, we still have a few things we'll have to research. I have to go now, my bus will be arriving soon." The brunette packed his bag and got off the bench, dusting off his clothes.
"May I have the honor of walking you to the bus stop?," Jungkook asked with a charming smile, also getting off the bench.Taehyung shook his head, but Jungkook could swear he could see a small smile on his face. "You may not, thank you though." He turned around and started walking.
"Oh, so I don't even get a goodbye hug? I thought we were buddies now!," Jungkook exclaimed cheekily.
Taehyung halted in his step."Not today, Jeon Jungkook!," he said loudly before continuing his walk to the bus stop.
Jungkook screamed internally while packing his things together.
I think he smiled at me, did he smile at me? Oh my god, this could be progress! Bless Mrs. Lee for putting us into a group together!And while he took light steps and skips on his way back home he felt something he hadn't felt in quite a while:
(A/N: ahh idk about this chapter...
it seems kinda weird to me idk
still hope you liked it💜💜)

Enraptured || taekook ✔️
FanfictionIn which Jeon Jungkook falls in love with a pretty boy and tries to win his heart at any cost and under any circumstance. Will they find true love? "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they're even born." -F.Scott Fitzgerald ...